Christa closed her eyes and sighed at the news of hearing they'd lost a team mate. She knew how hard that could be and knew that even in victory this would be a loss for the team. She opened her eyes again and joined up with the other at the entrance. She listened to the plan and pieced it together in her mind, it was solid of course though what worried her is how much they knew about the tunnels. She chose not to question it for now as she replied with a, "Sir!" moving into formation before entering the caves. They were under fire within moments and Christa had but seconds to assess the situation. She rose her shield, absorbing the initial fire before raising her sniper lance, letting out four high velocity bursts towards the enemy. She'd have fired more but in these tunnels her ability to snipe was greatly reduced, "Commander, I'm mapping the tunnels via satellite uplink to ascertain where these tunnels lead, it should allow us to see any blind spots and avoid ambush. All friendly units should be receiving the mapping now" she reported. A Gear moved from cover close to her as she advanced before she skewered it with her lance, lifting the GEAR off the ground before kicking it away, firing two more shots. She didn't say it, but her main concern was if any of these tunnels were rigged to detonate. Had she been on the opposite team, she'd have made that strategy as a fail safe.