Note, the captioned lines are chaos interfering in this CS. The co owner is not insane. (Fuck no he ain't! Yep, he just decided to unleash little ole me at about six in the morning! No insanity there!) is chaos, some of you may remember him from old guild. (Hello, my fans..oh damnit! It's a sausage party! Where's the chicks, grand?!) Username: ChaOs_rules_ordias_druels Character nickname: Chaos Gender: Male Appearance: Personality: generally, he's an insane asshole. (HEY!) Imagine a bastard child of the joker and deadpool..(watch sweaty meatsack..) a thing of such madness, he..(getting out the torch, grand..) unpredictable madman, just as liable to give a million dollars to Charity as he is to burn down orphanages. he revels in carnage, and fittingly chaos. (and fucking with ordias! Ooh..kal,please tell this humble, godly singing voiced madman his favorite target's here. I'll getcha head..on a pike! hehe..) Alignment:Protagonist (antagonist!) ..whatever his mood befits. Skills: Before:he has had training in goju-ryu karate up to brown belt rank, he also has minor experience in firearms via big game hunting and is adept at predicting what people are likely to do based on past actions. After: Chaos now has mastery over these. Powers: In addition to shapeshifting, Chaos can control and create the elemental forces of nature as limited to the spheres of flame. fire, lava, smoke and the like. He can also cast illusions, either to hide his presence, or to just screw with people's heads. he tends to do the latter. (Is singing wonderfully not a power?! I demand recognition! Or babies. Flame broiled babies. Not to ammo. And amusement. And as scapegoats against zombies. Oh hell..Burger King babies for everyone! ^~ ) [color=blue]After obtaining the Crucible piece from Gurren Lagaan, Chaos has gained madness entity status; having funneled power from the crucible piece, after previously having done so to break free of the gestalt known as duel, chaos has accended to what he always was meant to be. the antithesis to truth. for where truth represents logic, chaos represents madness. this upgrade in status, aside from giving chaos's abilities a boost, also allows him to teleport freely through dimensions. (IE. pop into the ooc thread to cause some major mindscrew, or just to kill time when things get slow..or just..because i'm a troll.) From the crucible piece gained in Super Mario World, Chaos has gained three abilities as follows; — The cloak of Zelon: a purple tinted cloak, which allows the holder to channel the power of Voideus in a degree limited to the state of their body without direct possession. immortals could use it to channel the brunt of Voideus's power, while any being with a semblance of mortality would only be able to get his shadow related powers and a great boost to their own ability. this comes with the cost of eroding the user's mind and body however, so it is a last resort for chaos to to use. (Plus, it looks fabulous~) — Mental link: chaos's influence on the mind expands to true telepathy, allowing him in short order to form a mental link with whomever he chooses. only issue? his control over it is lax at best, meaning some memories of his will always inadvertently slip through the link. (yes..come to the mnd of madness. Hehe..I won't bite...much~) — Chaotic deconstruction!: chaos can now chose to cause things to dissolve into their base components, before disappearing completely. this ability's drawback is that he must be careful to aim it, since it can and almost certainly will result in friendly fire if he doesn't..problem? he's TOO INSANE TO GIVE A FLYING CRAP! which will likely result in dissolving clothing at the first chance he gets.. (yeah..Still a troll guys!) Except he can't deconstruct an avatar character, or any living thing any more powerful than a typical human being.[/color] (killjoy..*huffs*) Equipment: none. Other: (nobody kills the tea swilling, order spewing bitch but me! Got it? My dibs. Mine. M. I. N. E. Comprende? Capisce? Understand?! Good, you do fine then. Unless your in the same area. Then you burn with him. But, hey..that's how the charred corpse crumbles, right guys? ) Password: Amitermes Meridionalis