[quote=tathgon] Ian was slightly put off by how quickly Nurse Garza responded. "Okay, noted. Thank you for letting me know." He said politely as they reached his room. While turning on the light and walking into his room, he noticed there was a bed, dresser, and nightstand in the room already. "Can I change the arrangement of the room or does it need to be set up this way?" Ian asked, looking around the room for the best arrangement of furniture and possible colors of paint that would lighten up the room. [/quote] "You can change it but don't go so overboard." She said over her shoulder as she was walking away, she needed to hurry or she will be late. She was excited, they will all be finally together to discuss the issues. She could sense magic pouring out of the rooms a little, she sighs, they need to find out what to do. And fast. [quote=Akihisa Yoshii] Desmond took one of the cookies and smiled, yet inside his mind he kept thinking, what to do, how he would do what he was thinking of. He took a small nibble of the cookie, eating the one very slowly, inside his mind going over things he knew, what he didn't know, things he needed to know and things he wanted to know. Through his smile he studied the newcomers and surveyed the surroundings, the wheels in his head turning. He looked at nurse Ann and smiled. "Wonderful cookies, Nurse Ann, thank you." [/quote] Nurse Ann finished with the hot chocolate, and purred on how good it smelled. Mmmmm hot chocolate!, she yelled in her own mind. She passes everyone a cup of the delicious beverage, "No problem Desmond." She looked down at her watch and curses under her breath with a small growl. "Come on kids let's go sit next to the fire." She said with a small smile while walking to the living room. She didn't know it was almost time! And she can't be late this time, or she will be in deep trouble. They even gave her a one warning.........maybe three warnings. But she didn't like going, just by thinking abou it made her uneasy and the hair on her neck stand up a little. [quote=22xander] Vul desides to sit down after he grabs several of the cookies. He sits on his tail, then desides to ask Tori if they would be going back to the liveing room anytime soon. [/quote] "Yeah, we all are going to the living room. I don't know why but we all are going to sit down next to the fire. I guess to tell stories. And whoa........I talk a lot" she mutters the last part, but her eye light up when there was a cup of hot chocolate slide to her. She grabbed it and yelped pulling her hand back. She moved her hand up and down a little trying to stop the pain "Ouch, that hurt. Guess I need to be more careful" she laughs a little.