[quote=Josie123] Nurse Ann finished with the hot chocolate, and purred on how good it smelled. Mmmmm hot chocolate!, she yelled in her own mind. She passes everyone a cup of the delicious beverage, "No problem Desmond." She looked down at her watch and curses under her breath with a small growl. "Come on kids let's go sit next to the fire." She said with a small smile while walking to the living room. She didn't know it was almost time! And she can't be late this time, or she will be in deep trouble. They even gave her a one warning.........maybe three warnings. But she didn't like going, just by thinking abou it made her uneasy and the hair on her neck stand up a little. [/quote] The cogs in Desmond's minds were still working that he didn't notice any of Ann's behavior and went to the living room with his hot chocolate, sitting a ways away from most of the other kids. He hadn't even noticed that again he had shrunk, down to his 15-year-old body. He just sat there and pondered into his glass of hot chocolate, not chancing a drink with it being fresh and hot. He kept his head low, his mind working overtime thinking of things he had seen. He tried so very hard to remember his meeting... his [i]actual[/i] meetings, wondering if he would be able to crack the illusion they put over him.