[quote=Josie123] "You can change it but don't go so overboard." She said over her shoulder as she was walking away, she needed to hurry or she will be late. She was excited, they will all be finally together to discuss the issues. She could sense magic pouring out of the rooms a little, she sighs, they need to find out what to do. And fast. [/quote] Ian smiled finalizing how he would arrange the room in his head as Nurse Garza walked off. He left his bag of belongings in his room at the foot of the bed and took a walk towards where he thought someone called everyone for cookies. As he walked, he heard others in conversation and presumed himself to be heading in the right direction. He smelled something in the air. [i]Wait... is that hot chocolate? I mean, it's a good drink and all but why now? It's not that cold outside, is it? Still...[/i] Ian's pace picked up slightly until he passed by the kitchen because he noticed there were cookies sitting on the counter. He grabbed a few, then continued towards the sound of other people. They weren't that far as he took what seemed only like a few short steps and entered the living room. "Hello everyone." Ian said, giving a small bow to the group in the living room. [i]Maybe I'm a bit too accustomed to introductions to my mother's clientele. That and I'm wearing a purple t-shirt and blue jeans, a bit under-dressed for giving a courteous bow with my introduction.[/i] "My name is Ian and I will be living with you all for the next while. I do hope that we can get along." Ian said, finding a place to sit that was a reasonable distance from everyone. [i]Closer and it seem like I am intruding... more than I already am. Further away and I'll be ignored... not bad for watching and waiting, but bad for making friends.[/i]