The cops had fucked up. Denny had taken a respite in the wooded area off to the side of the highway, she had traveled miles by this point-- going back to the city wasn't option, right? She had walked too far, and there was no promise the rioting in the city had died down-- and there was always the virus behind it all. But proceeding forward... the police were crazy... that wasn't NEW, but these were new standards of low. The cars were fucking stopped, if the virus made it's way here, she'd be fucked. She could survive the city, for a while, at least-- double back, find another car, take a dirt road out as fast as possible. Yes! That could work! Her mind went dark, [i]and Pete...[/i] Yes, this was way worse than he had predicted, she needed to go back and get him, too. --- Denny had taken to residential streets to get back, they were less populated-- she may even find a car here. Still, she kept her slung bag close and her gawdy gun at the ready. She was used to spending nights without a roof, the survival would be useful, but she hoped to keep to the shadows, she had no clue how to use the thing... It had a safety? She had already forgotten the numbers Pete had told her, she really hoped she wouldn't need it. Denny used the back yards-- whatever kept her out of the streets. They weren't as bad as the city, but she didn't really want to be seen. She made her way around the front of a building and noticed another figure in the practically empty streets, the light was dim, but that was [i]totally[/i] the girl from the music store! Not wanting to draw the attention of those with the virus, Denny waved, hoping to get her attention-- more people would be better than less.