[quote=Kafka Komedy] Yosuke normally tried to keep his cool, but he knew no matter what he was going to lose in this situation. He could be like and that would obviously be both a lie, and he'd sound like a not funny total douche bag. Or, he could say like a loser, and it wouldn't change her mind, and she still wouldn't like him back. She was also being super depressing and stuff, and although Yosuke could be a bit of a pessimist, he never straight up said So, Yosuke did the obviously very logical thing, and hugged her. "Naomi, I'm gonna be honest here, Yes. If you busted your leg, I'd carry you. If you died, I'd stay with you." Yosuke said, his voice oddly even and calm. He then let go of her, and held out the palm of his hand. "You can stab me now, if you want. I'd understand. I know you don't like me like that." Yosuke half-joked, with a smirk. "I just, needed to get that off my chest." [/quote] Naomi sighed after the hug,, she could tell what was wrong with Yosuke and was trying to be blunt about the situation they were in, but he couldn't handle what she was tell him to do, " What do you want me to be, one of those girls that are all clingy and stuck to your arm afraid of everything with nothing between my ears ? Or be like some cheery, loud girl that gets even happier by hearing the sound of your voice ?" Naomi turned to Yosuke with her hands shaking at her sides ," What do you want me to say to you !? You want me to be nice to you ?! Or Mean to you ?! Because right now, we can't be hanging onto a lot of emotions.". she turned back around to the dark hall ahead of them ," So what now, you want me to change my attitude ? Stop being who I truly am so you don't have to face the reality of the situation ?" Naomi asked him.