Kalinda dind't respond as Michael said that Fury said someone was spying, giving information to Fury. She found a first aid kit and treated the split skin on his knuckles, "You shouldn't hit hard, inanimate objects. You just do more damage to yourself, bare handed. She lightly brushed her lips over the injury, "There. All better" She smiled, just slightly, then sighed. "Are we even sure its Fury? With today's technology, anyone can copy someone's voice" She pointed out, looking at them all. "I know it's been four years. I know a lot has changed. I know I can't expect it to be the same as before. But damn it" She racked a hand through her hair, messing it up badly, "We are a team, and I can't believe someone would betray us like that, in here. Maybe it's because I don't want to believe it." She shook her head.