[hider=Long Intro]It was another uneventful dark and dreary night for Kraven as he stumbled through the doors of a shady, tattered building dimly lit by a flickering sign that read [b]For your eyes only[/b] in neon letters. The place was two steps away from decrepit and riddled with boarded and blacked out windows. It would have been intolerable if it wasn't for the welcoming committee. "Hi Kraven~!" Several of the hostesses and performers that worked the joint waved and smiled as the ample form of Kraven emerged from the entry hallway, glad to see their bodyguard back on grounds. "Ladies ladies!" Raising his hands in celebration, as he usually did when he saw them, Kraven stumbled forward and leaned in to dole out hugs and kisses. Unfortunately he was swiftly avoided. "Ah ah ah. No touching big boy. You know that." Said Candi, waving her finger and pushing the drunk Kraven away. "Don't be like that babe. I had a long day. How about a goodnight kiss on the house?" A loud slap echoed through the building as Candi smacked him across his mulish face before giggling and walking off. "Nothing's free [i]babe![/i]" Kraven couldn't help but chuckle and walk off toward the back, taking a deep swig from his flask before disappearing through a set of dark curtains and up a set of old looking stairs. A rickety door swung against the wall as Kraven kicked it open and stepped into the disheveled condominium. There wasn't much in the apartment other than an old couch riddled with rips and stains, and a few tables. Among it all was an old tv set about 12 inches wide and covered in dust. Closing the door behind himself and tossing his jacket over the couch. Scratching his chest under the holsters that held his pistols, Kraven made his way across the creaky wooden floor and into the unkempt kitchen. There was old humming fridge covered in graffiti and dirt next to a sink full of filthy and broken dishes. Pulling it open with a loud squeal of grinding metal, Kraken reached in and pulled out three bottles of beer and a carton of mysterious chinese food. "Home sweet home!" Said Kraven through a scowl as he sniffed the contents of the carton and immediately threw it on top of a overflowing garbage can in the corner. He collapsed into the the cushion of the couch in the center of the living room and kicked his feet up onto a small wooden coffee table, fishing a remote of from the couches folds. With the press of a button, the television roared on, static blaring out into the room. "Piece [i]uuhh[/i]-junk..." Belched Kraven after he quickly polished off on of the beers. The empty bottle sailed through the air as he tossed it at the small cable box on top of the tv and just like that the picture suddenly came into view on the screen. The continuous and repetitive reruns of a cat and mouse cartoon played on the television and Kraven let out a sigh, relaxing and popping the top off another beer. But accompanying the sound of the bottle cap clattering against the floor, came the brief rustle of an unfamiliar sound. The sound gave him pause, though he barely showed it, letting a wet laugh burst out of his gut as antics ensued on the tv. Someone had crept into the apartment and silently walked into the living room, approaching from behind the couch. Kraven obliviously let out another laugh before pouring half of another beer down his throat as a figure reared up behind him, the nose of a gun poking into the light toward the back of his head. [b]*BLAM!*[/b] Foam stuffing peppered into the air as a bullet pierced through the back of the couch and through the invader. A steaming shell casing went flying from the chamber of a pistol beneath Kraven's arm as he dove to the left. A spray of blood spattered into the air as the figure fell into the light of the tv and tumbled forward over the couch, his gun going off as he collapsed dead to the ground. Chunks of grey matter and crimson goop spilled from the open wound through the dead mans head onto the floorboards. "Don't interrupt my shows asshole." Spat Kraven, checking the chamber of his gun for the next round. He figured he would need to be ready for the other gentlemen sneaking through the windows and coming up the stairs. "I wish I woulda known company was com-" [b]*BAM BAM BAM*[/b]Gunshots rang out and Kraven dove through the room, rolling into the kitchen and taking cover behind the counter. A loud shriek rang out as Several large men covered in tattoos and jewelry piled up the stairs, shoving a performer onto the ground. Pieces of tile and wood rained down onto the floor of the kitchen as a hail of bullets flew over head. Kraven cussed beneath his breath as the last of his beer was wasted on the floor, a bullet having shattered the bottle before he could raise it to his lips to finish it. "Stop fucking shooting!" The sound of his voice bled in to the loud sounds of rapid gunfire. Luckily for him, he had just enough space between him and the fridge to grab a bottle of rum he had been saving. Screwing it open with his free hand and taking a swig, he quickly tore a ribbon from his shirt and stuffed it down the neck of the bottle. "How about a drink?!" Called out Kraven, lighting the torn fabric with a lighter from his pocket and throwing the flaming bottle of rum across the room. In a brilliant explosion of light and glass, flames erupted into the living room as the bottle crashed against the wall, setting several of the goons ablaze, tossing and screaming about. The booming sounds of gunshots halted, the flames making for a distraction, and Kraven took the opportunity, rasing from behind the counter with a pistol and one of his revolvers drawn. "Here's your chaser!" The thunderous roar of Kraven's 10mm Magnum bellowed through the condo as he let loose of flurry of bullets, quickly dispatching several of the surprised thugs. Though he managed to take out a few of these guys, Kraven was still out numbered and short on time and options. Letting off a few more rounds, he crouched and ran through the living room, snatching his coat out from under the body on the couch before jumping off a table, over a pool of flames, and tackling one of the assailants. Taken by surprise, the man let out a scream before the both sailed backward and through a boarded window. Chunks of wood cascaded to the ground accompanied quickly by the two men. Kraven slowly stood and brushed himself off, nodding to the cracked face of the man who broke his fall. "He's outside!" Shouted one of the goons, running to the window and firing on the escaping target. A couple bullets streaked through Kraven's flesh as he quickly mounted his motorcycle and started it up, the engine roaring awake. Bullets ricocheted off concrete and metal as Kraven made his escape, rolling down the street and barreling toward the highway. It didn't take long for two low riding cars filled with enraged thugs to follow. "You've gotta be kidding me!" Shouted Kraven, looking though his mirror at his pursuers gaining on him. He pulled a sudden right and sped down the street toward an underpass. He could hear the whiz of bullets as the streaked through the air around him. But something else caught his attention. Something foreign. The feeling of gunshots speeding by was all but too familiar but there was a strange static in the air. Before Kraven could figure out where the mysterious feeling was coming from, A bright light quickly consumed the entry to the underpass ahead. "What the fuck?!" He shouted as he and one of the cars were engulfed by the bizarre event. The vortex of light and energy quickly snapped shut behind them, slicing through the rail of the car, and leave the rear half of a corpse eviscerated on the floor. [/hider] Vision slowly returned to the unconscious Kraven as he regained his senses. He laid next to his bike and the wreckage of a car covered in flames and rubble. Around him was a strange forest filled with darkness and trees as far as the eye could see, which wasn't very far considering the deep shadows that lurked about the treeline. "Where the hell..." Started Kraven, rubbing away a bit of blood that leaked from a wound on his eye brow. But his thought was interrupted by the ominous howls and groans that echoed from around him. What remained of the car shifted as a door swung open and two men tumbled out guns in hand. "Oh goodie!" Said Kraven caustically. Regaining their composure, the men raised their guns and fired on Kraven, who dove behind a tree, pulling his two revolvers from their holsters on his chest. "Oh really?! You want some more, assholes!?" Just like that, the fire fight ensued in this strange, unknown and ominous forest.