No worries sir Owl. Stuff happens :) Updated Character Listing to add James Hunter (arowne97), increasing our player character count to 11. :sun [list]-Also, I'm waiting on 22xander before I post again. The crazy waiter will be back in the next post too![/list] BTW, if anyone feels like it, they can go ahead and claim a few Staff NPC slots (School Nurse, School Secretary, teachers, waiter/waitresses, janitors, and aides). The school nurse and secretary characters have already been created (Ms. Rina and Ms Haswell respectively), so you'll see them in the directory. All others are left to the player's imagination and are free to create. If you do choose to create a Staff Character, please post their info in this thread with the following format. Staff Name: Appearance: >[Basic Description of who they are and what they do]< The Headmaster and Dean are [i]plot essential[/i] and are reserved for myself and Winter to execute our agendas and give meaning to these factions we seem to be creating. ^^ :sun