Hazard noticed his Esquen comrade approach and managed a small yet dry smile. He looked at her as she held out the cigar and he took it with a nod of gratitude. "Thanks" he said before taking a few puffs from it and handing it back. He sighed and let the smoke blow out of his nostrils, a familiar stinging feeling left behind as he did so. He normally didnt smoke, but considering in game smoking wouldnt hurt him IRL, he figured it wasnt a bother. Besides, it was the respectful thing to do since it was offered by a friend. Both being Esquen, Hazard already took to being close friends with Mari, her attitude was something he liked about her, and her taste in music wasnt half bad. He sighed when she asked what was the matter and he shook his head, "It's nothing... I just hate it when Cynth gets all commando on us. We didnt go too damn far, we were just curious what was going on." he said rather bitterly, as if he were justifying to Mari why he went, though he knew she needed no justification. He shook his head again and said "Im just... not a fan of people ordering me around. Too much of that shit in real life. I come here so I dont need to deal with that, you know?But hey, im fine, Happy Hazard al over again" he said as he forced a smile, albeit a dry one at best.