-Eien : Heavenly Host = 1st Floor, East Hall- ((I'm just going to assume that this is in the west hallway when he turns to the left.)) As the boy shuffled down the stairs, he took a brief look outside of the window. He glanced at the trees and the dreary landscape, before wondering if he could escape by going into the woods. As he contemplated, he dismissed it wince this was a supernatural area of some sort, and felt that leaving through seemingly logical means would be futile. Eien shook his head, and learn out a soft sigh before walking down the wooden stares, which creaked with some unknown horror as he descended to the first floor. He took a look around, and noticed nothing out of the ordinary so far, and there wasn't another human in sight so far. He couldn't be careless in a situation like this, but felt rather safe right now, despite his current situation. What if he ran into another spirit who was evil just like that other girls alternative side. He shuddered mentally at such a thing, and kept his calm composure, despite the rising few inside of him. This place was almost like a nightmare he had as experienced as a child. The problem was that this was a horrid reality in which people were killed by spirits of different types, qnd died a horrid death. As he began turning the corner, his eyes widened in dreadful bemusement of what he saw. He quickly dashed back and took a peek behind the corner, hoping they wouldn't notice the boy who recently appeared. There were two people occupying an area down the hallway, one of which who was armed and seemingly deranged. The girl who wielded the weapon was surrounded by a physical manifestation of some malignant aura, and was very hostile towards the boy for something he did. She stared in anger at the boy as she began her assault on the boy, her emerald green eyes filled with pure spite as she unleashed a barrage of slices that missed the boy. She screeched something in hatred at the boy, before shooting her arm forward to stab him. The boy was able to easily reverse the attack, and forced her own hand to strike her fatally in the stomach. He wasn't done there, as the girl screamed, he began to brutally mutilate her body watching as the died a horrid death. From the looks of it, the weak looking boy could easily fend for himself, despite how emancipated he appeared. There were bags under his eyes, and he was covered in even more blood than he was previously. There were bags under the boys eyes, as if he hadn't slept for days. This warranted Eien to wonder how long the boy was stuck here, and saw how mismatched his clothes looked. He worried about what might happened if he tried to approach the boy, as he brutalized the girls body with not a tinge of remorse. Maybe this was what would happen to him and the others if they stayed in these accursed halls any longer. He dismissed the thought, be for returning his attention to the boy who was scrounging around the dead girls body. He wondered what exactly he was looking for, and decided to wait in secret to see what he would withdraw. "(What the hell is wrong with this place?! That guy just murdered the other girls as if he didn't have a care in the world! Oh no... What if he finds the infirmary and the others?! I need to find that name tag post haste!... But first I need to wait to see what this guy is going to do next. If he starts getting near my location, I need to run.)" Eien swiftly turned his head to check for any abnormalities by the stairs from which he came, and then quickly redirected his attention to the malnourished boy. He anxiously awaited his move and prepared to day up the stairs in case he came this way. He had a plan laid out in his head on how to deal with this, depending on how things turned out, and hopefully his idea would go off without a hitch.