[quote=DFA] "Huh and he can create food as well?" Seth muttered to himself as he looked at his hands. Just how much power did Vince contain within himself? Speaking of powers......He glanced at Azalea, wondering what she was really capable of underneath that fragile nature she displayed. She hadn't exactly showcased her powers just yet, but he got the feeling that she was a lot stronger than she had let on. Earlier in the hallway, she quickly transitioned from being a victim into wanting to tackle the problem, by herself of all things! She was also quick to trust people it seemed, as Seth had witnessed on himself and on Vincent just now. He promised himself he wouldn't try and abuse that trust."You're pretty willing to forgive him, Lea..." Seth noted and spoke to Azalea, "Maybe it's the fact that he really meant no harm in the end and was just trying to find a way to express his emotions, just not in the correct way. If I were presented with a situation like that, I would've beat the crap out of Vince with every fiber of my being and dish out a full course menu of suffering if I had the capabilities to do so." He shook his head, "I don't know...do you think if you would've gone alone, would this have ended up a different way?" Seth was just rambling and voicing his thoughts out loud to pass the time until Vincent was done with his . "Would you have had the power to steer the outcome in your favor?" "Well regardless...it's a good thing we didn't end up fighting him. I'm not much of a fighter myself, sure I could throw a few punches and protect myself, but I don't posses any offensive powers. I heal people." Seth lifted his fingers and green orbs shimmered around his hands and then faded away. "I don't think I would've been much use if things came down to a battle. I mean what would I do? Heal him into submission?" He joked.Pip, the overly dramatic waiter*POP!* Our wonderful waiter was back, with a cheesy grin on his face and a rather large plate in his hands."Hahahaha! A lot of business here I see! Now then..." He turned his gaze onto Izo, "...a medium steak for the frosty looking young man as requested!" He chimed as he set a plate with a still hot and sizzling steak on it. The man placed a steak knife and a fork next to the plate, a smaller plate of sauteed mushrooms and onions and a glass of water soon followed. But the waiter wasn't done...."Might I recommend trying a glass of chilled oolong tea with your steak? I find that the earthly and bitter quality of oolong tea goes well with meals such as this and it helps with digestion" He also set a glass of brown oolong tea next to his water."Now, giving a shady looking man such as yourself a steak knife might not be the best idea in my humble opinion. But please try not to carve drawings into the table, they do cost a fortune." He bowed and smiled. "Enjoy."*pop!* [/quote] "I-I-I relay hope it doesn't come to a fight, I am no fighter..." Vince says as he compleats his portal to the dineing hall.