Gilfrod looked at the crowd of young people waiting in line. He glanced at a particularity fiery-headed girl(Thea) and took another good look at her. Going off of his instincts he went over to her and asked, "Hey there young lady, how'd you like to apprenticed to me? I'm the horsemaster here." he said simply and to the point Harbour looked out over the crowd of whippersnappers disappointed as usual with this years haul. [i]I suppose i should pick of of these miscreants[/i] he grumbled to himself. Hobbling down the line on his cane he picked out someone random. "You kid, i bet you're a Jace aren't ya. How you like to come work at the docks with me?" he rumbled Tlah sat in a shadowy corner waiting and watching one of the lads in particular, Braid was his name. His father had been a ranger and his skills were ideal, yet Tlah had never gone out of his way to get an apprentice before. Perhaps he would make an exception but not unless he thought the boy was worth his time.