[i]Name:[/i] Shizukana Kazeko [i]Age:[/i] 14 [i]Gender:[/i] Female [i]Appearance:[/i] [hider=MagiGear][img]http://i.imgur.com/cG6g8WR.jpg[/img][/hider] [i]Personality:[/i] … At first glance, an emotional analysis comes to an obvious conclusion. A girl with such a serious look who has clearly lost her legs and entire family, and is employed by SEED (soon, anyway). Clearly, this girl is an ultra-serious vengeance-hungry bitch who will not make friends and simply do her utmost to fight the great threat which endangers the planet. … Pffft. Noooooooooooooope. Shizukana Kazeko… is lazy. Rude, greedy, nerdy, lazy and hungry. At any point, you might find her sleeping in the most uncomfortable positions in the most unlikely of places. Did you not eat your food fast enough? Don’t worry, she didn’t take it, she’s currently looting your fridge instead. Kazeko has no respect whatsoever for personal space and will ask the most insensitive of questions at impossibly wrong times and will multiple times a day request trivial or impossible things just because. Also, talk to her even once, you’re now her friend who she might approach for no reason whatsoever and bother with such requests or anything else for that matter. Kazeko takes no lesson to heart, never thinks of the future and only occasionally on the past (like she WILL learn if she got injured last time she did something…) and will only do something for someone else if she wants to. … And ice cream is a pretty good method to get her instantly to your side, if you figure out she likes ice-cream. … Or cats. Kazeko is way too sensitive to cute cats, real, plushies or otherwise. … And she’s also impossibly allergic to them, but that’s another matter altogether. [i]Brief Backstory:[/i] Kazeko was born to a moderately rich family on the countryside and enjoyed a good early life. She had all kinds of dreams that came and went as soon as the last one had its turn. She wanted to be everything from a running athlete, an idol singer, a police woman, an actor, a protector of the universe… all such things. Except, well… it turned out to be a little impossible. See, the entire country-side which she inhabited was wiped clean from the surface of the Earth ten years ago. Kazeko was the only survivor, somehow her cellar had been spared after her parents had been shoved down, and she was luckily enough rescued soon enough by a rescue team. … Her legs had been rendered unusable, crushed under rocks of her crumbling home, and every person she had ever known was gone. But… she had lived. Whatever analysis you may make of this, it was after that which Kazeko developed the personality you can read above. For a while, she lived in a wheel-chair at an orphanage, where other people were often ignoring her due to her expression. Such a blank expression, there was no doubt she would be simply depressing to speak to. … … … “I wanna see the Eifel Tower. Oh, and Disneyland. The one in Florida.” … Take it as you wish, but after that Kazeko acted like that constantly, with quite a few friends. Though, she never studied. Upon told to study, even if she was crippled, Kazeko would always answer something along the lines of “No, I don’t want to study. There’s another fate that is waiting for me in the future.” … People doubted her then, but take a look at her now. One could almost wonder if she could see the future. [hider=hider]She can’t. She was just lazy.[/hider] Since then, the story about Kazeko was that she was officially employed by the orphanage to help take care of children. She really didn’t do very much, but the children were entertained by her when she got older (them playing with her), so why not? She also collected a fair amount of nerdy things, like manga, anime, video games, etc. Her hands were totally OK, so why not, really? That’s pretty much what’s been going on these last ten years. And now… she’ll be given a pair of new legs pretty soon. [i]Abilities:[/i] Kazeko can walk absurdly silently. This may come off as really weird, considering her legs are metal, but by some reason these make almost no sound when she walks around, meaning it can sometimes appear as if Kazeko appeared from nowhere. She also has a strange lack of presence at times, meaning she can disappear when you’re not looking at her. … She can also consume way more food than a normal person, and she’ll do so happily, too. Other than that, it should be mentioned her LACK of abilities in here. She lacks all form of basic education you receive after the age of 7, anything she might have learned is completely coincidental due news, fiction, things other people have told her and otherwise. She cannot operate most basic machinery, most of the world’s history is completely foreign to her and anything which involves studying to do is beyond her. … But for some reason, she is a natural pilot. For some reason. [i]Powers:[/i] Cyan Dove. That is what they call her machine, engineered into her legs and around her waist. Let us imagine engines with output in the back of those things. It was produced using state-of-the-art technology and it is powered by a blue liquid just called “cyan” for now. It flows through Kazeko and empowers her. Her craft prioritizes speed, she’s really fast. She can gradually increase her speed to levels higher than she can maneuver sensibly, the liquid helping keep her body together at such force. However, a single hit from an enemy might destroy her. To avoid this, the item on top of her head, also powered by cyan, allows Kazeko to sense if she’s being targeted by incoming projectiles and move out of the way. It can be tricked by slow-moving dangers and attacks custom-made not to disturb the air on the way, though, and even if she learns a shot is coming it will still be with her own reflexes to dodge it. Reacting using this is slower than seeing the attack with her eyes, it is like a sudden signal of danger, which if the projectile is fast enough will be too late when she gets the warning. It should be noted that Kazeko was chosen for this craft because of her lack of legs. Because that, when maneuvering at such speed, the blood will not surge down into the bottom of her feet. Not as much, anyway. (Source: Death Battle episode 30, Fox VS Bucky, 2:48-3:10. Not sure if same logic is applicable here, but HA!) The liquid has a slight healing effect if applied on wounds. It doesn’t suddenly grant regeneration, but it will close the wound and somehow melt as energy into the body to speed up natural healing. Kazeko can use this if someone is injured in the midst of battle. … Though, it should be noted. Everything she does depends on cyan, and she can only depart into battle with a finite amount. Each action only uses so much, but in longer battles endurance might become key. In such cases, it would be a good idea to carry replacements, just in case, but each slows her down which might be dangerous since she cannot allow herself to be hit even once. Also, the containers are very exposed on her back and can be destroyed. There are emergency supplies in her legs for use to only bring her back home safely if the worst should happen. … That tail-like thing hanging behind her in the image… … … Let’s say it is usually attached to her back, and is a part of her engine. It can move around a bit in order to control the direction Kazeko is accelerating. In the image, she’s just lazy and not even used the amount of energy needed to pull it back. Really, I was done, looked at the image, and went “I haven’t mentioned that thing…”. She can also apply the liquid from there, as well. … Which should mean that if it is busted her maneuvering will be a lot more normal. Oh, and if any of her cables are busted, there is probably high-tech stuff in place to block the cut cable so she doesn’t lose juice. She just loses the capability to use whatever the cable was bound to. [i]Weapons:[/i] Two weapons. A gun, the Cyan SMG. Made for taking out more mobile enemies on a distance. It is fully automated, and fires special rounds of rather powerful projected blasts of the cyan’s energy. The shots are simply the liquid, so there is no need to reload as long as the cable is attached. As they are in the shape they are, the shots fired may not do much damage against larger opponents, but will do plenty against smaller and faster opponents, which would be those that pose more of a threat to Kazeko and other Magitech girls, allowing her to make use of her speed to support allies that may be in trouble. The second weapon is her Dove’s Claw, the perfect weapon to match her speed. It is a large but light blade which carries her improved strength and charges with energy from the cyan. The edge is formed from the energy within, making a sharp and really hot edge, and with the speed which Kazeko can gain as she surges through the air it becomes a really, really dangerous weapon. However, as a close-combat weapon, it requires Kazeko to soar in close and personal, which might expose her vulnerable self to possible damage which may be desired to be avoided, seeing how she’s probably better used as a supporting unit with her speed, SMG and healing side-effect, but should the blade be desired to be used it would be best to do so while someone else is distracting the target, for Kazeko will have trouble dodging at the speed she reaches when flying in to slice. _______________________ ... And that got way longer than I intended. Oh, well. If the concept of cyan is rejected, inform me. ... Inform me if anything else is rejected as well. Haha. I also considered that perhaps the use of these system might have negative consequences on her body in the long run, but eh, "this RP is not intended to be dark and can be light-hearted and humorous at times even". I'll leave that to the GM.