Seraph was quiet when Elizabeth had went into a frustrated state, starting low she was soon screaming loudly at the both of them, it was obvious that none of this was going well. But Seraph decided to say nothing while she screamed at him, he kept standing as Seth was just idly watching it all go down. When she was finally done, she sat back down breathing hard as the fight quickly left her. After some time passed Seraph walked past Elizabeth and to the chair he had been sitting in, however he merely put his hand on it as he turned his back to her, kicking the foot stool he had made for himself it flew in the air and disappeared as he kept his back turned to her and spoke, this time however it was clear that his voice lacked the same compassion it had before. "You know I understand your frustrations, better then anyone I understand what its like to be taken from one world and throw into another. I don't care if you believe me or not when I say that, but the truth is it is not easy to be here for me. It is not easy to be back on this planet, the reasons why are none of your business, but you know, I could have easily just left you to your fate. In fact when I was first asked to come here and help you I refused to do so, because I didn't want to be the one to take you from your home, I didn't want to be the one to have to tell you your life was in danger and you were now part of something you didn't understand. But most of all I didn't want to be the one who involved in trying to save the spiral again. But I guess that what we want, and what we can't avoid are two different things. You don't have to like me or trust me, I am not here for that, but you know even in the midst of things even a little gratitude goes a long way seeming I could have just left you to your fate..." With that Seraph silently made his way around the chair and disappeared into a small doorway off to the side disappearing from view. As he left Seth finally walked over to where he had been sitting and took a seat in front of Elizabeth looking at her quietly. It was a couple moments but he finally started to speak to her. "You know it truly is hard for him to be here in this place, especially after what happened to him here. Its no excuse for him acting the way he does right now, I know that there were nicer ways he could have gone about telling you the answers to the questions you asked. But maybe you need to see that your not the only one down here that has had to throw away all they ever knew for reasons they did not understand. I am not saying you don't have a right to be scared and angry or frustrated, but maybe you could be a little more... nicer. Just a suggestion nothing more. Let me go talk to him see if I can ease the tension here." Seth got up from the chair as he too disappeared through the doorway, in reality the door way lead to a rather large room that curved off the from the main entrance. The room was pretty bare besides a couple more rag tag couches and chairs and dusty throw rug that had seen better days. Seraph was sitting across the room in a chair positioned towards the wall. The only thing visible was the back of his head over the chair, a small fire was in front of him making the shadows dance around the walls as Seth approached and silently took a seat in the other chair next to Seraphs. They were both silent for a couple moments before Seth ending up breaking it. "She is scared you know, I know you have your reasons for the way you feel, but you could try to be just a little nicer to that young woman, after all its not everyday something like this happens to an earth bound person. She is trying I can see it in her eye's, but Seraph she has family here and friends, its not like when you left earth, when you left you were just a runaway orphan. So I don't think you quite realize what this means to her, to have to leave." "I know Seth, I know its just that being in this place again just reminds me of the terrible things I did. Its been almost eight years and not a day goes by when I don't ask myself why I did what I did. Back then I told myself it was the right thing to do... but it wasn't the way I felt when it was done. An the fact that no one blames me for what I did only makes it worse. What is it that makes one life so much more worth then other lives? An what makes other lives worth less? I have pondered this question for so long now, and I have found no answer. How do you forgive yourself when you just so damn disgusted with your own actions? Being here now only brings back the pain of that day, and every time I try to understand what that girl is feeling in there, I am only blinded by my own self pity." "Think of it this way Seraph, if everyone hated you for what you did, would you feel any less then you do now? It is hard to think past the choices we don't understand, or to understand the choices that we make in light of deep pain. Was what you did right? I don't know I am not the one to answer that question for you, we have all did things out of revenge and anger, and your no different. My question is why do you hold yourself more accountable to your actions then anyone else?" "I hold myself accountable because what I did, that wasnt who I was, and in that moment I realized that I was no better then Morganthe was. Thats why I don't see myself as a hero like everyone else does, a hero would not do that, a hero would forgive not seek revenge." Seth sighed as he put his hand on Seraphs shoulder and squeezed a little bit. "You are a good man Seraph, your not like Morganthe and one day your gonna see that to. But right now there is a young woman who needs your help and she needs to see the best side of you not the worst. She needs the courage that you have if she is going to make it through the darkness ahead. Come on she needs us even if she is confused and thinks she can't trust us." Seraph nodded silently as he slowly got up, waving his hand over the fire in front of him, it sizzled out lowly as it completely disappeared. Re entering the room Seraph looked at Elizabeth as he spoke. "We will set out when the sun is out, Wrath's are unable to materialize in direct sunlight, so it will be safest when it is light out. Once we make sure your family and friends are okay we must go and return to Wizard City."