As they walked into the restraunt, Lucy felt a small cramp around her stomach. She knew she was hungry, but this was unpleasant. . And, [i]Oh, God.[/I ] She looked at Søren, Matt, and Parker. [i]Fuck, [/i]she knew she had been lethargic all day, and surprisingly the lack of appetite she had experienced earlier in the day was starting to point toward none other than menstruation. [b]"Four," [/b]Parker stated firmly. Lucy squinted her eyes. Why was he being so manly? She looked at the other two [i]guys[/I], running her hand through her pink hair. She looked around the restaurant, locating the restrooms before they were seated. Before claiming a seat, she spoke, "I 'll have a water. . . . " then quickly added," I need to use the powder room," emphasizing powder like some cocaine joke, not that she was about snort any candy. But the joke seemed to fit well with the bandmates. She casually walked to the restroom and fiddled through her back pocket, where her wallet was squeezed. She dug out some quarters from her wallet and attempted to buy a feminine napkin of some sort from the dispenser, but nothing came out. In fact, the machine took no--stole her fifty cents. She stared at the silver contraption for several seconds, trying not to scream, turned to the stalls and walked in the first one. [i]I guess I will have to use toilet paper. This is so ghetto. [/i]She sighed, staring at a red blotch on her panties. At least, she didn't bleed through. . AND stain Jill. Parker would have flipped. She toured some toilet paper and lined her panties, praying to some false entity that the blood flow would not destructively become thicker within the next hour or so. She flushed the toilet and pulled her pants back up before exiting the stall and washing her hands for a solid fifteen seconds. -------------------- Lucy returned to the table. "Their restrooms smell good, " Lucy commented as she sat down. Not thinking anything too unusual about her comment. As she sat, she felt the wetness press against her, it was uncomfortable. There was nothing sexy about how she was feeling. First the bad mirror image and now this? She had avoided the restroom mirror for a reason. Then she remembered it was a buffet and was not going to be asked to order food. She sighed, again, her brain was melting on hormones. She stood up and walked over to the buffet line, grabbing a plate and scouting out any good food with lots of iron. Meat. Yes, meat. Lots of meat. But then she might explode. . So she settled on steamed broccoli and mushrooms and ironically things that didn't look Asian when compiled on her plate. She frowned at her plate and shrugged it off in her mind before going to sit down, for the second time.