Haiden moaned at Sal's lack of reaction. Great, she was being level-headed today. Oh well, might as well role with it. "Sure, breakfast is always good. Also, that wasn't my poker face. I wouldn't be able to get away with shit if it was. And don't worry, I don't have anyone to tell except my family, and that wouldn't go over well, especially with my sisters. I was wishing I had a camera,so I cpuld sell take a pic and sell them for cash, but then I realized that would be very not legal. So if you didn't kill me first, you could call the cops. How are your classes by the way?" Haiden began walking in to her house. He always thought it was cool she owned her own house, he wished he did, but that required money he didn't have. He could make it with his skills in programing, but his equipment took as much money to maintain as it made him, plus he always hsd to get the latest gadget. Like his mom kept telling him, he had no self control and his wallet paid the price, literally. "Also, for one, you know I prefer to be called Raiden, as it's 100% cooler than Haiden. For two, what's your bra size, B or C-cup?" The last question was him trying to get under her skin just one last time. He doubted it would work though, but he had to try. As he walked, he gave a glance at his watch, noticed the time, cursed heavily, then turned rapidly to Sal. "Actually, breakfast will have to wait, as well the answer to my question, since we are actually going to be late if we don't leave pronto." He then began to sprint, not looking to see if Sal was behind him or not. While he thought school was a pain, he'd never hear the end of it if his sister's found out he was late on his first day.