Finally... Got to it... Name: Megumi Kido Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: [hider=In-Gear][img=][/hider] [hider=Out of Gear][img=][/hider] Personality: In short, Kido acts as if she rules the world. She considers herself the highest form of aristocracy, and she won’t let anyone forget it. This comes with a temper, which is easy to set off. Due to her short fuse, Kido is known to defend her ‘queenship’ in a heart beat, as well as those she considers her subjects. Brief Backstory: Kido was born to a single mother in a rough neighborhood. Gangs were around every corner, violence widespread. As she was growing up, several of the neighborhood kids banded together, as a defense mechanism- Kido quickly ascended to the leadership role by sheer willpower. This played a major role in her life with the aftermath of the Nephilim attack. Her leadership role allowed her to try and protect the neighborhood. Entering high school, Kido had essentially claimed most of the city’s youth under her own rule. Abilities: A skilled fighter, due to the rough neighborhood she grew up. Powers: Due to her high sense of self, Kido has a high compatibility with her MagiGear. Apart from the standard abilities that the Gear allows, Kido’s unique ability is based on her anger- as she gets angrier, the red accents of the Gear glow stronger, and the stronger the Gear becomes. In addition, due to Kido's close combat style, some of the Gear is fitted to work as armor in some vital locations, i.e. legs, spine, and arms. This comes in the form into seemingly metallic armor pieces. Weapon(s): Attached to her left wrist is a sword, which is charged by magical energy around the edges of the blade. The blade itself can separate and turn into a bladed chain. Fused into the palm of her other hand is an energy blaster, which shoots short bursts of energy. Her last weapon is an outlet embedded in the chest region, which releases the stored energy Kido collects from rage in a red beam.