Hello there! I think I finally worked out all the kinks. This looks like a lot of fun, I can't wait. Emma Stevens/ Em/ 17/ Junior Clique: She has a hand in almost every group Appearance: [hider=Emma][img]http://womeninfashion.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/c50a10f358f918647d16dfeac6dad265.jpg[/img][/hider] Personality: If Emma was easy to explain she probably would know so many people and vice versa. Just when you think you have her figured out she slips right out from your fingers. Whether she does it on purpose or not is up for debate but it's easy to get the feeling she likes to keep people guessing. Crush: TBA Relationship Status: Single Hobbies/Interest: The better question would be is there any thing she doesn't like. Short Bio: Emma appears to come from a upper middle class family, if you took her for face value she's probably about as normal as it gets. However, shes quite the jack of all trades. Emma plays various instruments as well as sports, she is a fairly decent artist, smart enough to argue with nerds and knows all the weird references they make. Sadly her many talents make her a master of none, as she has no time to learn everything. The social baseline is that she knows almost everyone in the school and most of them know her as well. You could call it popular but you wouldn't guess it from the way she acts. She doesn't run anything, she doesn't rule, she doesn't expect people to bow to her or love her or fear her. She just knows, which is admittedly pretty creepy if she wasn't really friendly and casual about her knowledge. Arguably the biggest reason Emma knows so much is because she made all the right friendships. Her best friendship is with Sara, who likely knows more about Emma that even Emma herself. They grew up together and do just about everything together, one with out the other is usually a pretty odd sight. This afternoon Sara and Emma were planning to go to the park and make a snow fort to show just how grown up they were, Sara's twin Kian even said he would go. But when the end of school came around the trio had to drop off Emma's freshman sister, Elle, who was of course no where to be found. Emma promised to catch up with them later, only to finally get a text from her sister saying that she went home with a friend. Of course by that point she could barely even open the door because of the snow, let alone drive home and to top it all off Sara and her brother stopped answering their phones. It was looking to be a long night. Other: Because of the lack of contact with Sara, Emma is almost noticeably worried.