[b]Hank and DeSean - Outskirts of Baton Rogue[/b] Finally arriving at the East end of the the city, the group started to slow down, driving cautiously through a small town. They had just entered the outskirts of the place, so there wasn't much scenery. Like every other place they've visited, everything seemed rundown and ruined. Houses were nearly torn to shreds, vehicles broken and crashed on the side of the roads - it was an awful site, but not surprising. DeSean never answered Aaliyah, he didn't know how to. Because Heather was riding with Hank, he couldn't make an inference on the woman's health. But it was smart of Aaliyah to ask them instead of Hank or the other vehicle. It was better not to get involved between Hank and Heather at the moment because things were spiced up as is. If they decided to speak, they would, but right now, didn't seem like either of them were in speaking terms. Jennifer on the other hand had answered Aaliyah - not much of a response, but one nonetheless. What she had said was, "Were not sure, but let's check up on her once we make a stop. I'm worried like everyone else." Jennifer had been a people person all her life. She was a pharmacist after all, so had to deal with customers on a daily basis. At her job, they rated employees by show of surveys given to customers. Jennifer always got the best feedback from her clients - always. She was the best of the best at what she did, and surely she missed it. She met DeSean at work. The guy used to work in their warehouse as a stoker and cashier. Despite their economic differences and racial inverse, DeSean played a good game and got her for himself. He was a player, always getting the girl. Hank was actually the one that helped DeSean commit to Jennifer though. During that time, Hank believed Heather and he would be inseparable, but issues derailed those feelings. Anyhow, the three vehicles finally came to a halt at a stop sign. They had a couple houses to both sides of the street and could see more down the road. Hank got out of his car along with Floyd and made their way to DeSean's vehicle. DeSean rolled down his window and looked at Hank. "What's our next move?" he asked the man. "I think we keep going down, head deeper in the city. That way we know if it's safe" Hank responded. "No. Let's just camp out here for the night. Me and Floyd can scout out the area before dark. We can le-" "No De, were not separating" Hank interrupted. He signaled Aaliyah to come join them, get everyone out the car. Seth got out all slow and down. He still had a blanket around his shoulders as though he was sick, but obviously wasn't - just confused. Floyd returned to the truck and opened the door for Heather. With a nod of his head his intentions were clear - he wanted her and Imogen to join them in the huddle. After doing so, he returned with them, the whole team looking at Hank at this point. Seeing all the eyes on him, Hank cleared his throat. He looked at Heather for a second before turning to the others. "I know......that in the last few days it's been.......distant between all of us. Thangs happened that drove each and every one of us apart....." he started, pausing to look at Heather one more time. His eyes had this glare in them again, as though throughout that remote time, he was able to get over the blockage in his imaginative road. ".....but we can't let this keep us down any longer. We have to come back. I know......that.....that I haven't been......[i]back[/i] for a while now. But I'm here now, trying to fix thangs. We have to stick together. We don't know what's out there" he said, pointing down the road towards the inner parts of the city. "But we can't be surprised. We've seen it all, experienced it all. Together were stronger than this world, we can beat it. We've proven so. Nobody leaves each other's sight. We stick together" he finished and nodded at DeSean. "Alright guys, let's unpack for the night, were staying in that house right there. Floyd, Imogen, make sure it's clear, but don't take too long. Aiden, get the truck" DeSean ordered the others as Hank took the liberty to go with Floyd and Imogen. ------------------------------------------ Floyd opened the door to the house first, letting Hank take lead. Hank had the rifle, Floyd just a seven inch United States Marine knife he found on their way to Baton Rogue. The two men scouted out the first two rooms, letting Imogen get the third. "Kitchen" Hank whispered to Floyd, signaling the guy to check it before moving on. "Clear" the redneck responded on high alert. "Imgoen, upstairs" Hank ordered as he moved to the living room, nothing in site. There wasn't any sounds either, which wasn't odd, just unused to. Usually they were fighting walkers, so it was kind of hard to believe there wasn't one in sight. The two men then joined up at the back of the house, looking through the window to the backyard which was also empty. Hank was about to radio DeSean that the house was clear until he remembered Imogen had the upper floor. He and Floyd returned to the stairs and whispered up. "Is it clear?" ------------------------------------------ Outside, Seth waited beside Aaliyah. Seeing Hank return from his phase sort of gave him the courage to also walk away from the agony. He removed the blanket around his shoulders and gave it to Aaliyah. "Umm......thanks" he gulped, still not making eye contact with her, but blushing a little. He fixed his glasses and gulped again. "I'ma....help Aiden unpack the stuff" he said, walking off to do just that. DeSean and Jennifer remained in their vehicle. "Is he really back?" she asked DeSean who knew him more than everyone else - possibly even Heather. "I don't know yet baby, we'll see I guess. He looks better though that's for sure" DeSean commented. "He actually looked at Heather did you notice? Do you think they'll get back together?" DeSean's eyebrow raised as she asked that. "Are you seriously asking that? C'mon Jen! It's not the time to talk about that okay. In this......fucked up world, it isn't fairy tales and romance. Just worry about survival okay?" Jen's eyes saddened, but she nodded in agreement. DeSean was right though, just put it a little on the blunt side. "Now c'mon, let's unpack so we can go inside."