A man walked through the city, wearing a backpack, and a guitar resting casually from a strap around his neck. Basara Nekki didn't know where he was. Didn't particularly care either. He'd gone to wander the universe after all, teach them, make them listen to his song, and wherever this was, it certainly counted in that. There were people of all races, ethnicities, some not even human, just like on Macross 7 with the humans and Zentraedi, but even he could tell that they still had song. And as long as they could hear, he would play. Of course, he also played whenever the hell he felt like it, but that was a musicians prerogative. If they didn't understand, then that was their fault, not his. He'd just play until they did understand. He'd play, and sign, and even if everyone said he should stop, he'd go on. The only thing that was going to stop him was losing his voice. At last, in a spot he figured was good, some sort of open square type thing, he came to a rest. He shrugged, rolling his shoulders with the Sonic Backpack he wore, since the thing wasn't exactly light to wear, before raising his guitar. Taking a moment of preparation, he began to sing, for himself, for anyone who'd listen, and just because he could. [hider=My Soul] [i]If you become the wind, I want to become the endless sky When you're petrified by the sound of the violent rain Strumming my guitar, I'll calm your heart Come on people, I want you to feel it Because it's all right if you don't understand right now Come on people, I'll go on protecting you With my life- my soul for you If you lose your way, I'll light the darkness with my smile If it would heal your sadness I'd sing until my voice withered away Come on people, I want you to believe it I'll never change Come on people, like the sun I'll shine on you- my soul for you[/i] *ad infinitum[/hider]