But i have a tale to tell. For the past few months i have been having the same dream. it's a normal day for me i get up and go to class but thats where things get weird. when i get to my campus its not mine. everything just looks wrong. i push it to the side and then start to head to the building my class is in. when i get there i turn around and see what looks liked a solid cube of black metal fly by me and hover on the other side of the street. a voice in my head warns me to run but i stay. more and more of these cubes show up. the whole process take about 1-3 minutes and when they are all there they form a robot a lot like the one in the Incredibles. you know that round piece of crap. the only thing is that when it activates it doesn't act at all like the one in that movie. it turns and looks towards the capital building and then a small targeting laser shows up on the building. in less time that it takes to blink a large orbital laser blast wipes out the whole capital block and half of the school campus. the voice in my head advises me to run again. this time i do but the voice starts going on about some race called the Ancestors. they come from before the universe was ever made and only want to wipe it clean and see darkness return. after that i wake up. but now i have started to talk with the bloody voice every day since it followed me out of my dream. Any help to get rid of it for now or any one else have any idea of what this could even mean? (sorry if this is in the wrong place)