DISREGARD THE TITLE. THIS IS NOW AN INTEREST CHECK FOR OTHERWORLD. A group of friends and I decided that Otherworld would be the best option, therefor, that is what we are going with. [b]Otherworld[/b] Near the end of the 20th century, and into the early 21st century, scientists with NASA discovered strange occurrences on the outer limits of the Kuiper belt. Pluto already had an elongated orbit, but there were two Dwarf-planets that exhibited odd orbital patterns. Years passed and NASA continued to study and learn. Eventually a theory came about. A scientist from South America brought to the attention of NASA, the possibility of there being a so-called "Planet X". The science behind it was sound, though out there in terms of many unknowns. The scientist theorized that Planet X was causing the strange orbits of the two Dwarf Planets, and that it was three times the size of Earth. What else did he know? Not much else. Many of NASA's greatest minds decided to drop the subject for two reasons. The first was that it would be too hard to get out there to see what was actually beyond the horizon, and second, it was too far from the sun to support any kind of life. Years passed and eventually people stopped looking to the stars in wonder, and started worrying about the wars and struggles of life on Earth. The idea of a Planet X had dissipated. Or so it would seem. In the year 2052, scientists with NASA developed the technology to view farther into space with much greater precision and detail. Of course, with this new technology came the resurgence of the idea to investigate Planet X. And so they looked. There was a problem with discovering Planet X. When viewed, the area where the planet would have been, showed a very large distortion, but it was unable to be clarified or viewed in any detail. The funny thing was that they could view beyond it in great detail. Again Planet X was bringing about problems, but this time NASA was technologically advanced enough to begin working on the problem. Cryogenic sleep was developed and fine tuned so that it could be effectively used. Astronauts were able to be sent further out into space without aging too badly. The shuttles were also much more advanced. No more risky take offs, or bulky, ugly ships. They were sleek now, beautiful in design, wonders of mankind. Many expeditions were mounted to the moon, Mars, Saturn, and every other planet. But none that had come close to Planet X. Finally, it was proposed. A small crew would be sent into a long nap and flown past the Kuiper belt and into deep space. They were to discover, analyze, and report their findings on the distortion. They had no idea what they were getting themselves into.