"Talan, rem ti miasa?! Za set nami'ata kahlan! Ti nossar fin'tuur!(Talan are you mad?! He is our leader! You cannot do this!)" Kiata begged her love but to no avail. "Guara nam(watch me)", he replied without another word as he started for the tent exit. "Ni ar'sar errvas? Losat pal nami'ata kahn? Ti jorah athana kavi ti oros famal ehlgar!(Am I not enough? What of our child? You have everything but you still hunger for power)", this stopped Talan. A brief moment of silence came over the tent before Talan spoke again. "Ar shova tenam nami'ata kahn virtamin harim pal Kahlan tul harim pal sheriit(I would rather our child be born son the son of the clan leader than the son of a clan member)", Talan did not wait for a reply. He left the tent immediately for the Kahlan's tent. Kiata only whispered to her self, "Dirtha, sheretti...minnos fin'tuur(Come back, my love...don't do this)" Little did this know Talan heard this and thought about it for a moment before continuing on his path...things would be different had he stayed.  Returning to the present Talan snapped out of his daydream to see the castle in the distance. He had been riding for quite some time, he had passed the Tyne River not so long ago and was approaching the entrance to the castle. The dream of returning home seemed more and more of a reality as he slowed down at the entrance only to find the portcullis opened. [i]Strange, after an attack like that you'd think they'd lock themselves in and prepare for another attack.[/i] This was of no concern to him however as his only thoughts were of getting home. He signaled his horse to enter the castle and he found himself face to face with Rand and Wren. "Are you the Queen's Guard? I demand to see the Queen!", he demanded as he rested his hand on the handle of his sword. If they weren't the ones he was looking for he guessed he wasn't welcome here and would have to fight he way out if needed.