[b]name:[/b] Adrian "the redeemed" [b]height:[/b] 6'2 [b]weight[/b] 185 lbs [b]physical description:[/b] He is now somewhat skinnier though he has much more definitive muscle tone now. His hair is spiked in a brown faux hawk and his eyes are a brilliant green. His wings now measure thirteen feet and are an almost glowing pure white. He now wears a simple sleeveless white training shirt, and white training pants with gold flames embossed on the bottom of the legs. His tattoos have been removed and there is no trace that they ever existed. His horns have dissipated, and his fangs are now just normal canine teeth. His feet are bare as are his hands. He wears one gold ring that has a pentagram inside of a red stone on it. [b]psychological description:[/b] He has been redeemed for his sins, and cleansed of his fathers taint. Now he thinks with perfect clarity though he is not indebted to god. He now dislikes the selfish and dishonorable and seeks to "purify" them through combat. He is tactical and calculating, but he I not cold he feels emotions and empathy. He protects the noble when he can and wishes to save the souls of the damned. [b]tier:[/b] 7 [b]powers/skills/abilities:[/b] -He Is as durable as he once was which is three times the durability of a normal man. -the feathers on his wings are protected by divine magic and can withstand all but the most heavy attacks. Normal steel blades break on them magic dissipates and elements have little effect. They cannot be set ablaze or frozen. However they are not indestructible put enough force into an attack and it will break through. -though he lost the ability to manipulate and summon his hell energy he can use a new form of divine energy. This divine energy burns an opponent more or less based on their alignment. If you have killed a man then it will cause some burning, hundreds will cause moderate, and thousands mean you will feel severe burning. Now the only things he can summon are objects he can hold. However the constructs he makes out of this energy are much more stable and more durable. They also have weight to them that is similar to that of a steel. He cannot use them to lift something above his own level of strength and the farther away from him the less effective his ability to manipulate them is. At ten meters he has complete control over his constructs and can manipulate them to lift anything he can, at sixty meters then he can use them to lift half of what he normally can and has decent control over them, and at 100 meters it is hard for him to manipulate them and he can only lift around a fourth of what he normally could. His constructs are as durable as tank armor normally. When he charges for a turn he can make them as durable as diamond. He can also change the properties of this energy making a small piece as dense and heavy as he can lift however he must charge a turn to do so. -He can also focus this energy for a purifying attack. He must extend his hand and focus his energy there illuminating him and the target in a brilliant glowing light. After about a second he can fire a close range concentrated beam of fire that burns at 10,000 degrees Celsius. This beam can only be fired at a single point and is as wide as his hand, however it cannot be moved. - He can also fire a concentrated blast of energy in a 360 degree sphere around his body. This blast is not an attack rather it is a defense. It takes one turn to charge and has a three turn cooldown. When he uses it the sphere blasts out from his torso in a circle around him, and it is the same as his divine energy. If an enemy attacks him physically then they suffer burns based on their alignment. This sphere has the durability of diamond and deflects attacks that cannot break through it. -he can lift 10 tons -he can move and fly at mach 1 [b]equipment:[/b] -[locked] Redeemer's Blade[img][/img] The only part of this sword that Adrian physically carries at all time is the hilt. The hilt is protected by divine magic and is extremely difficult to destroy being several times more resilient than diamond. When Adrian wishes he can create a blade of divine flames on this sword. The blade can be destroyed as it is only the strength of steel, however he can just summon a new one. The blade can be extended around five meters at the speed of mach 3. This blade is weightless, and as an added bonus he is able to make the sword turn from a solid into just a blade of fire that other things can pass through. This blade of fire burns the same temperature as his holy flame attack when it is normal fire, and it is sharper than a razor when it is made into a solid. It will not burn things in its solid form. The blade can continuously sharpen itself. Noone but angelic beings can wield this blade for anyone else it is just a hilt. The flames it summon vary depending on the angel. - ring of sealing: this is the ring worn on Adrian's left hand ring finger which has a pentagram emblazoned on it. It can be looted. This ring seals Adrian's devil energy. Adrian is unable to use this ring's abilities due to his now angelic nature. The ring gives you a fraction of Adrian's original hell energy. It follows the same rules as the energy did when he was the devil lord, but you may only summon 1 cubic meter of it after a turn of charging. Also wherever you summon this energy that touches you(it must be summoned from a part of you) will have severe burns due to the unstable and evil nature of the energy. [b]history:[/b] He has seen many forms. His first was how he grew up and he was defeated in battle by Arthur Greystrokes. He then became a devil Lord in order to defeat him. After becoming a devil lord only to once again fall before Arthur Adrian was raised up into heaven. His mother who had been searching for him for years, finally found him due to his entrance into the multiverse tournament. After he was killed by Arthur she summoned his body and soul to heaven. God saw much suffering, hatred, and anger in the boy, however he also saw a spark of good and of hope. He sealed the boys devil form inside of a ring, and trained him to use a new angelic sword. His latent angelic power has been awoken and he now returns to the multiverse tournament. He has now been forgiven by god and has been made into an angel. Now holy warriors have no reason to hurt him, there has even been a church started in his name. He has been redeemed and now wishes to redeem others.