She was procrastinating her programming like usually by posting in a roleplay. Drinking tea on the side her eyes glanced once more over her character sheet. So many grammatical mistakes. Frustrated at how when brain storming her grammar tended to drop she just gave up and pressed the post button. Turning her head to grab the tea cup and take a sip she didnt notice on the first ball the light, but when she did she was already being pulled in. One part of her the mathematics and logic loving was panicking at the breaking of physicals laws. The other one the dreamer and a digimon was getting a fangirl orgasm. Which programmer didnt at one moment wished to be inside the web and pc? She noticed a level to say as she was falling, a ground level judging by many other people standing there. She was too hype to notice the change in her body, a yet another emotion jumping up as she recognized comic characters. No digimon world. But still freaking adventure she was wishing for. [i]Hopefully physic laws dont apply at the moment you crash down there.[/i]Passed her mind moments before she gently touched the floor with her bare foot.Instead smashing face first into it as awaited. [i]good thing they dont[/i] Breathing in Key looked around, she didnt said anything, needing time to process what was all happening at once. Looking at her feet she noticed the change in cloths first. Yellow cute shorts instead of black pants she wore before. Following it were the discovery of sharp ears and braid hair. She knew who she was, and with that it came to her a awareness and knowledge of her being earth, a earth spirit. [i]Who summoned me?[/i] Her eyes roamed around in a childish wonder and curiosity. -Where are we exactly? She questioned aloud in a general manner, fingers trailing over the stone incorporate in the clothing she wore