[i]'Was it something I said?[/i] Seth asked himself, seeing Azalea start to shy away from both of them. He frowned to himself as he directed his gaze over to Vincent. "Vince." Seth seriously racked his brains in an attempt to come up with a response. "I...I believe...in finding love and being ridiculously dopey and sweet to a girl. But it's not only that...There's something else to it, but I can't get a full grasp on what it is yet." [i]Something else...[/i] Was there an interaction between the two that he had missed? Seth thought back to their encounter in the hallway. You couldn't get broken emotions in an instant like that, there had to be some sort of build up. Especially, their foxy friend, who had dived down into his own fox hole on a whim, whilst depressed and sobbing, and Azalea who seemed almost defensive at the moment. [i]'There must be more...I have to find out somehow...'[/i] Who would he talk to though? Vince or Azalea? ...Or perhaps both? " I'm a little limited in my knowledge when it comes to relationships, because I've never had the chance to experience a very meaningful and deep relationship of my own yet. Any girls I've ever met, I've always been associated as a 'friend' and nothing more, I've never taken one out on a date ever. That's why I said I couldn't guarantee anything, because I've never had the experience. I'm just going off of my intuition here and what I see at point blank range. I guess I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic now that I think about it." Seth softened his voice, "I'm not saying it's impossible Vince, but it's going to take a lot of effort, patience, and a lot of adjustment. You also have to be considerate to her feelings and how she views you. If you want the best results possible, you have to be realistic about this. You're asking her to become YOURS ONLY, that's not something most girls would do for a stranger on the spot." He placed a hand on Vince's shoulder, "There's a difference between those who like each other and those who love one another, Vince, and a one sided love versus mutual love. In the end...if you ever feel like giving up or if she doesn't return those feelings, just let me know. As much as you'd like to think, she's not the only one out there..." Seth took his hand off of Vincent's shoulder and turned towards the glyph, briefly glancing at Azalea. "...unless you think she's worth all of your effort." Honestly, when it came down to it, he only wanted what was best for the two of them... "Anywho, would you mind opening the gate, Vince?" he asked.