"I'm not worth all your effort Vincent." Azalea spoke softly as she walked up to the fox boy. She took her hands in his and gazed up at him, locking her eyes on his. "Listen Vince, I'm going to say this and I'm only going to say this once." "You don't love me." Azalea stared at him with an emotionless face. Yes, that was a bit harsh but this boy was clueless. "How can you possible say you love me, when we only have just met? Who am I to be giving you advice on such an confusing topic, when I don't know a single thing." She sighed and looked down. "I have no experiance with love. But I do know this, you do not love me." Her face was becoming redder by the moment. "Love is an intense feeling of affection. Love is a strong word to use when speaking to a stranger." Azalea paused, debating on speaking about what this was truly about. "You can't force it. You have to let it happen naturally." She stopped speaking, only leaning in closer to his face so he would comprehend what she was saying. "When you kissed me, [i]that was force.[/i]" She let go of his hands, her own dropping to her sides. "What I ask of you is this, please do not force yourself upon me. It will only drive me away." She glanced at Seth and frowned, staring down at the ground. She began speaking again in a calm but firm tone. "I know this is truly difficult to comprehend, I don't understand it either, but I'm asking you to [i]try[/i] to understand." Azalea wrapped her small arms around the fox boy's body for a few seconds before pulling away and taking a few seconds back. Tears had gathered in the corners of her eyes, ready to spill at any second. "Please, the gate."