A young boy sat at his computer. typing away at a character sheet carefully. He liked arranging things for people, so that everything was easy to understand and concise. After fixing all of the spelling errors, he took a glance at it to see if everything looked in place [b]All checks out.[/b] he thought to himself as he hit post. Suddenly, he didn't feel quite right. Things started fading, and the boy thought as if he were about to pass out, or vomit. Endless lines of cyan ones and zeros were all he could see. [i]Hi! :3[/i] said an unknown voice. [b]What the hell?[/b] He replied mentally, glancing around to see if he could find the source of the voice. [i]In your head, meow![/i] the voice rang out again. [b]Oh. I'm talking to myself again, aren't I?[/b] he thought, before looking himself over. His hands were covered by cloth paws with three small rectangular holes placed in them. When he curled his hands inward, he felt a small metal rod, and when he gripped the rod, sharp serrated blades popped out of the openings in the paws. The same device was in his shoes. [i]Messing with the claws huh? Yeah, they're really fun, meow.[/i] spoke the unidentified girl [b]Who are you?[/b] the boy asked, only vaguely remembering his last name, Kafka. [i]I'm Taokaka, meow![/i] [b]Well, I'm Kafka, nice to meet you, lady[/b] Kafka replied, wishing the girl wasn't in his head so he could shake her hand. Many more people appeared, some calm, some... Not as calm. There was a masked lunatic he remembered playing a videogame about, but simply couldn't place a name on him. [b]Hey, Tao, you know who what that guy in the mask's name is?[/b] He asked the voice in his head, hoping she knew. [i]Nope, meow! Tao isn't very good with names, meow.[/i] [b]Oh well, I'll just call him... Vigilante Lunatic. That fits, from what I remember about him.[/b] He also quickly placed some more names on the people around him. Stone Lass, Green Hero, Red Scythe Lady, Crown Man, Pissed Sunglasses Guy, and Purple Jester. He'd assign them better names once he got to know them.