[b]"Hey kid wait up!"[/b] The man's voice behind her startled her, but she had barely time to turn around before the young girl in front of her had sprinted over to her. There was so much going on that Ferra was a deer in the headlights, staring at the young girl ahead of her like she was frozen in place. [b]“Come on, we gotta get off this bridge, I saw someone that could help us, we need to run,”[/b] The young girl told Ferra as she wrapped her hand around hers. Ferra didn't think twice about squeezing the girl's hand in return. She nodded, following the girl's lead as they began to run toward the edge of the highway to what Ferra could tell was a rest station that mostly travelers and truckers used on their long trips through the state. When they reached the rest station the girl looked to Ferra, her hand still intertwined with hers. [b]“My name is Alysia, what’s yours?”[/b] Alysia questioned her and she answered quickly. [i]"Ferra. Ferra Hanson."[/i] The girl had been trained to say her name and last name always, as if that gave the person some sort of benefit. Turning her head slightly, she found the source of the voice that had called to her earlier. She was glad he had made it okay, though she did not know whether he meant to cause them harm or not. [i]"My feet are killing me."[/i] Ferra admitted, looking down at her red feet within her flats; the shoes were not meant for sprinting down the highway. Ferra slipped them off revealing blisters on the side of her small toes and on the heels. [i]"Maybe I should find some band aids or keep these off for a little bit."[/i] Ferra told Alysia innocently.