Denny gave a tiny smile when Charlie wiped away the tears, she was never particularly that uncomfortable about showing her own weakness or emotions when she felt them, but that Charlie, a person she essentially just met, didn't persecute her for crying, it meant something to Danielle. "R-right." Denny gave another smile in response before finding herself surprised at Charlie's strength, Denny was practically pulled along as Charlie rushed along the street to a truck she seemed to recognize. Cars were good. The sick couldn't get you in cars, and it'd be harder for cops and rioters. Denny kept quiet as Charlie broke the glass to the truck and began the task of turning on the car, apparently lacking a key, keeping watch, knowing that the breaking glass might attract noise. She found herself drawn back to studying Charlie though, curiosity overcoming her fear of the sickly risen dead. Hot-wiring was a skill Danielle had never learned, so she took interest in her new companion as she worked, and couldn't help but let out an audible 'yes!' when the engine actually began to purr. Her cheers died down when she noticed the blood coming from Charlie's cheek. "Oh!" Denny rummaged in her bag, "Ouch. Revenge of the window..." She continued looking for a moment, noting that the horde was quickly approaching, she let out another small cheer when she found what she was looking for. "Oh-kay!" She unwrapped the small moist towelette, Danielle couldn't help but smirk, "You know this is going to sting..." Before Charlie could object Denny used the towelette to wipe up the blood and disinfect the cut, "Glass scrapped you... you probably already knew that..." She carefully placed a band-aid, "Still..." She lingered in applying the bandage, "Best to not risk infection, you never know... It, umm, might hurt to smile in a few hours."