[quote=Nosuchthing] Soooo, any thoughts on my app? [/quote] Impressive- though there are several things: A) Demons only overran the Mainland- think of the supercontinent before we got the current continents of today. There are a great many islands and Archipelagos, but the Demons only took to the Mainland- saltwater is a fearful substance. B) Mages' College would, perhaps, have at least one surviving extension into the Mainland- well protected, very strong, and probably hidden in the Halls of the Dwarves. C) A "Hero" is one of the four that is leading- I changed this on page 2 or something. A "Hero" are like Avalon- they're well-off, they can fund their team, they're probably an elf, and they're very skilled. Change that bit, and you're accepted! Avalon might take her under his wing, so to speak, to teach her more extensive magics. He may not specialize in wind magic, but he'll know much more about it than she.