Throughout history, the archetype of a hero is one of the most enduring and prominent. The upholder of justice, the defender of the weak. Shining examples of all the positive and joyful things of humanity. But throughout history, if you look at elite military forces, so many associate themselves with the skull, death, mystery, and shadows. The skull may well be the most repeated graffiti on military paraphernalia throughout history. So while most MagiGears may visually associate themselves with the archetype of hero, of the Goddesses of Victory, avatars of the bright future of humanity… [img=] There is one who isn’t. Sometimes, one draws on the strength of one’s closeness to death and darkness rather than one’s the joys of life and light. On the battlefield, Chimere Rapthela feels one seems so much closer at hand than the other. The ugly skull masked anonymity of death is sometimes as charismatic as a beautiful goddess’ face. Magitech Girls: Name: Chimere Raphela (Wondering about the ethnicity of that name? You should be.) Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: Chimere has the build of a lean, scavenging hunter, and her body language speaks of that as well. Her skin tone is a mulatto tone, and the fact that she self-identifies with that term tells you she’s not from America where such a term is an insult. Her dark hair is military cut and her eyes are a withdrawn brown. She has scarring on her neck and lower left cheek that looks fairly like something tried to maul her face off. Personality: Chimere is civil, but withdrawn. She’ll behave herself, but you can tell at a glance she doesn't respect or trust anyone. Her civility is that of someone who feels if they make the first aggressive move, they will be pounced on by everyone else. A social dynamic built in environments where the weak band together to kill the strong. Of course, this is not that environment, and she’s currently very very confused about why everyone here is so happy and not waiting to kill her if she shows too much weakness or strength. The fact that she can just ask for water and she gets it and it’s no big deal is simply mindblowing to her. Likely going to be some culture shock moments approaching. School will likely be a harrowing new experience for her, more terrorizing than the battlefield. :P One of her personality elements that is rather normal is how shy she feels about her appearance in comparison to all the other beautiful girls and their revealing MagiGears. One of the primary reasons her MagiGear is so concealing is that being concealed props up her self-consciousness about her scar and doubts about her appearance. That and that it makes her feel like a badass samurai reaper straight from hell, RWAR! Brief Backstory: Brought into the program from a refugee camp in South Africa, fleeing from northern conflicts, Chimere’s past is likely a tragedy that will forever be off the history books, given how likely Chimere is to talk about it. It's likely where her personal abilities developed and how she stayed alive. Of another note is that her Backstory involves almost no schooling, so she will certainly be very lost and need help from one of the smarter Magitech girls to manage. Abilities: Chimere is keenly perceptive on a small, close scale. If you’ve lost a needle in a haystack (and don’t have a magnet handy), Chimere’s one to call. She’s also quiet, very quiet. You won’t hear her coming. Powers: Chimere’s suit can fly, but it’s not very good at it. Chimere’s unstable output leads to unstable flight. Thus, after the first testing, the suit was augmented along the legs to provide her with better ground performance. This covered up a fair extra portion of her body and it was noticed her performance increased on all parameters. Subsequent testing revealed that the more Chimere’s suit covered her body and the darker it got, the more comfortable and self-confident Chimere felt in it. Eventually, her true power was discovered in a fully form concealing MagiGear with advanced cloaking properties. Nothing calms Chimere’s output like silently, invisible waiting for the right moment to strike. Incidentally, this also means her suit is fully sealed. Poison gas just doesn't get to her. Her other notable ability of non-normal level is in weapons. Weapon(s): After the first combat it was realized that Chimere’s emotions peak and fluctuate wildly when she strikes with the intent to kill. This emotional feedback bled into her weapons, and caused damage them leading them to break after a few uses. This lead to two options being deemed viable, either giving her a stupidly oversized weapon reinforced to withstand her striking power, or equipping her with so many weapons that she can use them, even as they break one after another, without too much worry. Chimere was adamant she’d prefer the second, so she is equipped with six katanas, four combat knives, and six handguns. *This bio includes many notes about things that happen during the roleplay, presuming Chimere survives the first fight. Her MagiGear, for example, will likely far more closely resemble a normal one during its first outing, as this roleplay starts before they have a chance to tune it precisely to Chimere. Unless they are able to predict these sort of things before she ever steps in one, in which case I'll change it to "that's how it's always been".