Aeon, I guess this is a question many of us want to ask: We each seem to be in control of various NPC's and such that we may need to encounter in order to fulfil our character's goals (save a select few which you have control over only). I just want to ask to what extent we are allowed such freedom, exactly. Can we take control of a city mayor? Perhaps the leader of a Thieves' Guild? Or are we limited to "nameless commoners," and such, as well as people who may have contacts but otherwise hold little power? I'm asking because--well, as I said before--some of us may need to interact with such high-standing characters. This question also covers how big changes we can make ourselves without your express approval/permission. Generally, I'd just like to know a bit more about what our limits are. You've made it clear that we have far more freedom than in the normal "Go slay that dragon!" type of Roleplay, but how much more, is what I would like clarified.