[b]“Let’s head in there, we can ask for help, I mean… My parents are dead… My aunt was bitten and well… I don’t have anyone left, an you look like you’re about in the same predicament so let’s head in,”[/b] Alysia spoke towards Ferra, finally releasing her hand. Ferra wiped her hand on the side of her dress, it wasn't that she was disgusted, but all that running had made her hand quite sweaty. Alysia was right, Ferra was pretty much alone now, and needed as much as help as she could find. [i]"I don't know if my mother got bitten or not, but she was stuck in the car and told me to run as fast as I could away from those clawers, or whatever they are called."[/i] Ferra admitted to Alysia as she trailed behind the girl with her shoes hooked on the tips of her fingers. They began approaching the young man who had followed them earlier. [b]“Hey Mister, name’s Alysia, what’s yours?”[/b] Alysia asked, and Ferra piped up shortly after, [i]"And I'm Ferra!"[/i]