Recently, the guild has had problems. Of course, so had the player. Between school, and life, and video games; the player had no real time for himself to watch his Mongolian motion pictures. "I just want to live in the database" he sighed. The bow continued tapping away at his key board, filling out a half-thought-out idea for a character which he would make for a game that he would probably abandon a month or two into playing if it didn't die out on its own before then. With his other hand, the player had his hand in his pants. It was an old habit, and as the saying goes; they die hard. As the player clicked away once more, however, something was different. "God damn, did the server sleek out... Again?" he thought, kicking his computer tower lightly. Before he knew it, the player was awash with light. He was, for lack of a better word, euphoric. "Finally" he sighed "Database! Wow wow..." Descartes had awoken, and fortunately not too broken. His clothing was dirty, in his pocket a token. Descartes stretched out to adjust to his new body. He kicked his legs and punched outward, his muscles not too shoddy. Though he wondered where he could be.