[b][center]Morning, Port Titanicus[/center][/b] The sun had risen as it always had, the small, secure port town of Titanicus drifted lazily, several miles above the sea, various ships of all sorts disembarking or docking from the port, having arrived or set off before sunrise. Among those ships stood an imposing monolith of engineering, the Cobalt Trireme, "Tychon", and it stood proudly. The many dents along the hull gave it an air of experience, usually ships never made it out of the Shatter, but one of the Tychon's size wouldn't go down without a fight. Many crew members shuffled sleepily along the deck, getting the ship prepped to depart on the Captain's orders, most having finished their shifts made their way to the quarters below deck to let the shifts change off. [b][center]Leonard Barlow[/center][/b] Leonard nearly fell out of the bed when he got up, still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, he spotted the captain sitting at his desk. It didn't take him much longer than a few moments to realize the captain was out cold, likely fell asleep from pouring over the charts of the Shatter they'd recently acquired from Order Cartographers. Deciding that the Captain needed to get his ass in gear, Leonard walked over to his chair, and began poking at Noventius' shoulder, before forcefully shaking it until he felt the Captain start to stir. [b]"Vulf, you gotta get up,...C'mon, you aren't that tired..."[/b] Captain rose for a moment but then sank back down face first onto the desk, mumbling something about "5 more minutes Gardet...I don't wanna go to school today..." Leonard, deciding there wasn't much hope for rousing the Captain awake, decided he'd need to shock him awake. He managed to rotate the Captain's chair, albeit with great difficulty due to his small size, and ran out of the room with a sizable flagon in his hand, which he returned to the room with filled with water to the halfway point. Standing back a bit, he poured the entirety of the flagon right on top of the captain's head. [b][center]Vulfgang Noventius[/center][/b] Vulfgang has tried to get a few more minutes of shut-eye, at least until he felt something cool splash over his head and drip down his face. Nearly jumping from his seat, he was more shocked than angry, he glared at Leonard for a bit, the kid trying to pretend he was innocent and that it was just a leak. A massive leak. Below the solid deck. Grumbling, Vulf began getting dressed after drying his head off, putting on his usual unusual attire of armor, if the people of Titanicus wren't used to him by now, they would have taken him for a bandit or a soldier, but no. He was just a bit paranoid after what happened after the first expedition. [b]"Leonard, relay my message to Lindow: All hands on deck and be ready to depart, We have the new Order Specialist joining us this time, and the men are to show him respect. And if they don't, they get deck swabbing duty with no shift change for 3 days."[/b] He said while he continued getting ready, dead serious apart the deck swabbing part, he still shuddered when he remembered the: "Stop hitting yourself" prank that landed one of the crewmen with a 6 shattered ribs and a fist shaped bruise on his lungs. Leonard departed almost immediately after the message was given, jotting it down on a small piece of paper as he ran through the deck-halls, nimbly avoiding everyone as if it were second nature. The same message soon became known to all over the PA system, one of the more recent additions to the Tychon.