A few months of japanese culture is a tad overbearing for someone used to...just about anywhere else, let alone someone who spent their youth in such Isolation as Michelle. The language was even overwhelming. It was hardly inviting or easy to learn, so many different key pronunciations but that did make it easy to tell what the people meant, it was hard to lie in this precise language. So she took a little solace in the fact what people said is what they meant. At times she questioned her resolve particularly when the other girls seemed so....squeaky. It was with the few conversations that she determined that she would be buying the best pair of noise cancelling headphones that money could offer. This had made her appear far less approachable than what she is, but this hardly bothered her. Though they are somewhat basic classes it was to aid her in the transition to the culture, and the ridiculous amount of information she needed to digest before she could make anything close to an educated analysis of the events that are going to transpire....Hardly a comforting thought for her. As her father had once said, [i]"An unknown is the worst possibility."[/i] Some may see this as a paranoid rant, but surviving means knowing.... Just when she thought she had established a schedule she was brought to a room with no explanation other than to wait. Or at least she thought that much she didn't bother to make eye contact or even ask. Upon her arrival she looked about only to spy other girls with looks that are in a similar state of uncertainty, this fact made it easier to wait for further instruction. Though the ice-cream was more than a little unsettling...