No sooner had Wayne shook Serena's hand had she dropped a bombshell of bad news, followed by an even older person sneaking-up from behind confirming his suspicioun that she was actually trying to break it to him gently... or at least more gently than this new old fellow. [b]"Nah. [u]This is an unattended rest-stop[/u]. All cleaning supplies are kept with the cleaning-staff."[/b] He stated matter-o-factly. Being previously of said 'cleaning staff' ensured he knew this. [b]"Imagine how much your taxes would have skyrocketed if a closet full of tools and cleaning supplies was left in a tiny room protected by a cardboard door with the cheapest lock ever invented at every run-down rest-stop, ever."[/b] After a brief pause, he raised an eyebrow at the man: [u][b]"What sort of supplies were you hoping to find, anyways?"[/b][/u]