Name: Simon Capis Age: 17 (Junior) Nickname(s): n/a Clique: Jock, to an extent. Appearance: [img=] Personality: Reserved. Crush: TBD Relationship Status: Single Hobbies/Interest: Books, exercise, outdoors. Short Bio: Simon is a bit of an oddity, a microcosm of contradictions. Though athletic, Simon finds little joy on the field, considering cross-country more of a chore than anything. While friendly, he shows reluctance to engage with anyone on a level deeper than small talk, and is quick to excuse himself when the given the chance. And, while there is no shortage of people that would call him a friend, Simon would be hard pressed to name any of them. He seems to go out of his way to avoid his classmates, taking side passages and lower traffic hallways between classes and usually leaving the campus during lunch. As such, no one at Northlane seems to know much about him. He's new to the school, this being his first year at Northlane after moving from out of state. Although he has no problem making conversation with people, he's hardly ever seen with anyone outside of classes and clubs. Simon usually spends his free time finding a secluded place to read, which is why he finds himself near the school's main entrance so late after school. Not realizing how long he'd spent with his nose in his book, Simon tries to leave for home. Unfortunately, he didn't notice the snow until after he's run into the door, landing hard on his back and swearing loudly. Other:Simon has a bruise on his forehead from running into the main door. *** I've always had trouble roleplaying character development, so I wanted to use this as an opportunity to practice, hence the fairly nondescript bio. I wanna give myself plenty of room to play around. Is that alright?