"Enjoy it? Ha!" She laid back in the seat and looked blankly ahead, as if the memories were being presented like a movie, "It's... my life." [i]Can that be your life anymore? You've seen how easy it is to die... How do you know--[/i] She shook the though from her mind and expanded, "I was the same way as you; Dad was the doctor, Mom was... a lawyer? A business executive? Still not really sure. Anyway, perfect life. Except I was never good at anything but... music. I love melody and lyricism and cadence, I figured, 'I already know what I want to do, so why am I in school?' So like, I dropped out." "Of course, my parents weren't too happy about that, and they kicked me out. So I just..." Denny gave a little shrug, "Kept making music. I DJed, I sung, I played with bands, I wrote songs, helped produce some beats... Hell, I even did a little battle rapping at one point." She gave a dry chuckle, "I'd say it worked out in the end, but we're driving in a stolen truck to keep away from weird... sick... weirdos..." She rolled her eyes, allowing herself to peer at the passing corpses one more, it was all they had passed, no other cars were on the road. A though popped into her head and she opened up the glove box, "I could never learn the guitar," she rummaged around looking for something, "I mostly work with digital software, but I took singing lessons, and piano lessons... and taught myself a lot of percussion... But I never got the guitar." She closed the glove box, visibly disappointed, "I was hoping they had a map..."