Altha groaned inwardly as he re-read the letter Leliana had sent him taking a swig of the Ferelden swill they served here. [i] To Altha, my dear friend and agent I need your assistance, recent news has come to light of a group of Templar's near the Hinterlands however with the recent relocation to Skyhold I must entrust you to lead this mission. However you will not be alone, I've task several agents to meet you in Denerim brothel the Pearl I've selected that location because it is very private and no one will question the strange people showing up. The people you are to meet are detailed on the next page, I hope to see you well soon and please be careful not to anger these Templar's. [/i] He looked up humming the tune to a old elvish song awaiting to see who entered as he checked over his gear, he was wearing normal leather armor the daggers at his side and the bow on his back were reason not to mess with him. However the Dalish tattoo's kept most people looking over, a couple of the women had even offered him a free turn because of what they heard about the Dalish. He had ignored them he needed to stay focused, he did get side tracked listening to tales about the Warden visiting the Pearl and the surprises that occurred. The dwarf in drag one sounded terrifying especially, he didn't need to hear that one.