Arthur gritted his teeth and used his left forearm to protect his face from the spikes, and while his reinforced flesh prevented any of them from striking a lethal blow, several still cut furrows and burrowed holes in his skin before dissipating. When it was over, he let his sword vanish and stood alone on the rocky plateau with the corpse of the wolf and a ring of blackened rock where Adrian's body had fallen. "Ah, shit. Again? How many deific parents does this guy have?" In all likelihood, the kid would be back again and looking for revenge, again. All Arthur could do until then was continue pursuing his own goals. "Phillip?" "Yes, sir. It seems your earpiece survived." "It seems. I'm gonna need a new suit, and a new place to camp out. This position's been compromised." "I see, sir. Did you have any place in mind?" Looking out over the world in front of him, Arthur's eyes fell across the lush greenery that covered nearly half the view below. "Tell me Phillip, have you ever built a treehouse?"