[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/B2dU8mk.png[/IMG] --- [b]Humans[/b] The most common within the world of Elder Tale, and the most popular race chosen by players. Humans in Elder Tale have balanced stats, are easy for beginners, and have many customization options, making them popular among players in Elder Tale. [b]Elves[/b] ‘A long-lived race that is found among forests and ancient ruins around the world.’ Another popular choice among Elder Tale players, the Elves are well-suited to roles revolving around archery and have a distinct advantage over other races when it comes to the willpower-related stats. Most Elves resemble humans, and can only be differentiated physically by the fact that Elves have long, pointy ears. [b]Dwarves[/b] A diminutive race with a short, stocky build. Dwarves are exceptional at Fighter classes and smithing and boast high magical resistance along with larger pools of stamina compared to other races. They are easily identifiable due to their height, which tends to range from 100cm to 140cm. This can prove troublesome for people who chose the Dwarf race, as they have to deal with being much shorter than usual. It should also be noted that female Dwarves tend to look ball-shaped and plump, rather than stocky and muscular. [b]Half-Alvs[/b] Despite the fact that the Alv race was wiped out by an ancient war, they commonly bred with Humans. As a result, Human families occasionally give birth to Half-Alvs due to Alv genes still being inside of the gene pool. They are strikingly similar to Humans physically, and can only be told apart because of the mysterious emblems found on the tongue of a Half-Alv. Half-Alvs have a high magical affinity. For some reason, Half-Alvs receive storyline bonuses when doing campaigns or exploring dungeons. [b]Werecats[/b] One of three types of beast-men races, Werecats are feline in appearance and in characteristics. They have high dexterity and heightened senses. They lack feline tails, but do have cat ears and facial fur. This race is popular amongst cat fans; some going as far as to have Werecat-only guilds, excluding other races. [b]Wolf Fangs[/b] Another beast-men race. Chosen commonly by dog-loving players, Wolf Fangs are humanoid creatures with thick hair, and wolf-like features. Unlike Werecats, who always resemble humanoid cats, Wolf Fangs normally appear as Human-like in appearance. During combat, they may call upon their wolf characteristics to gain large strength boosts. They also gain golden eyes, wolf ears and a tail. [b]Fox Tails[/b] The third beast race. Unlike their physically enhanced wolf and feline counterparts, Fox Tails are magically adept. To offset this, all Fox Tails will randomly lose a skill/technique/spell from the main class list when levelling. This feature makes the Fox Tail race slightly less popular among Elder Tale players. [b]Race of Ritual[/b] Currently the most mysterious playable race. It has immense magical power which can surpass the Fox Tails, and houses a great deal of knowledge. All members of the Race of Ritual have tattoo markings naturally etched into their bodies. These tattoos are dubbed ‘Runes’. It is rare to see anyone play as the Race of Ritual, as they also have an extremely low health pool. [b]Alv[/b] The Alv is a race with high intelligence and magical latents. They were well-known as an inventor of magic. Nonetheless, their birth rate was very low, resulting in having a small number of population which invited other races to destroy them. Other races including Human, Elf, and Dwarf first raided the Alv for their magical knowledge and items, followed by them attacking the Alv themselves using their superior numbers. The Alv subsequently became slaves for trading, and some were violated and gave birth to children which are currently known as the Half-Alv. Six Scrapped Princesses were parts of this slavery but pampered like gemstones due to their beauty residing in 6 different countries. They were the masterminds behind the war between the three remaining races to avenge the destruction of the Alv, leading to the high number of casualties estimated to be about the current number of the Elder Tale population. When the Six Scrapped Princesses were found out and about to be killed, the first World Fraction occurred, creating demi-humans. Monsters. [i]This race is extinct, and is not playable.[/i][/center]