[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/x7B0PPe.png[/IMG] --- In Elder Tale, you are able to choose both a combat class, and a subclass. There are currently over 90 different kinds of subclasses to choose from. Unlike regular combat classes, a player is able to change their subclass, as long as they are willing to lose all abilities and EXP that came with said class. Subclasses can be organized into three different types: Production, Role-Playing and Titles. [u][b]Production Subclasses[/b][/u] Production Subclasses are subclasses which allow players to create and craft items. There are many players who prefer crafting items to aid their comrades over fighting monsters or exploring dungeons. Many guilds dedicate themselves to producing items and are important pillars of Elder Tale's economy. It is fairly easy to learn a production subclass. One just needs to buy an instruction manual from People of the Land and can start accumulating experience points. After the Homesteading the Noosphere update, items that were unavailable in the game prior to the update can be created by players with appropriate subclasses and with high enough levels. [b]Artisan[/b] The Artisan subclass enables players to work with precious metals and gems. It is possible to switch to this subclass by purchasing an Artisan handbook from an NPC in one of the town zones. Artisans are able to create intricate jewelry and other decorative items. [b]Alchemist[/b] As its name suggests, an alchemist is basically a researcher who studies the magical effects of elements and chemicals upon people and other things. Alchemy is the subject of transforming one element into another, also known as transmutation. One of the most famous of all transmutations is the ability to transform base metals such as lead into gold. [b]Blacksmith[/b] Blacksmiths can produce items out of metal including armor and weapons. A player can become a blacksmith by purchasing an instruction manual from an NPC in a town zone. Normal blacksmith skills include the forging and shaping of iron and other crude metal alloys, in order to produce swords, shields and other metal weapons and instruments. Blacksmiths are also the only subclass which allows a player to repair equipment for allies and themselves. [b]Brewer[/b] As their name implies, a brewer's main occupation is to create alcoholic beverages and seasonings. [b]Chef[/b] The Chef subclass allows the player to create food by combining ingredients via the in-game command menu. After ten seconds, the desired food item will appear and will look identical to its real-life counterpart. After creating the food, players can sell it to NPC merchants, who in turn can sell it to other adventurers. Under this system, the food must always be made with the same ingredients, and no matter who cooks it, the food always ends up having the same appearance and taste. [b]Mechanic[/b] As its name suggests, this subclass deals with the construction and maintenance of machines. In the medieval world of Elder Tale, a mechanic's skills is limited to relatively simple machines and constructs such as levers, wheels, pulleys and such. [b]Pharmacist[/b] A Pharmacist is able to create potions from ingredients which can provide different effects to those who drink them. Pharmacists typically create Healing Potions and MP Potions, however, some have taken to creating potions which can temporarily empower a player’s stats. [b]Tailor[/b] Tailor subclass enables a player to be able to manufacture items out of cloth and leather. The types of items that the player is able to produce varies by their skill level but are known to include armor and aprons [b]Woodcrafter[/b] The Woodcrafter subclass enables players to create a variety of wood items from raw ingredients. --- [u][b]Role-Playing Subclasses[/u][/b] Instead of creating and crafting items, players may choose role-playing subclasses. Some are known to give additional stats or other benefits, while others are primarily for entertainment value and are considered as a joke or gimmick subclasses. [b]Accountant[/b] The Accountant subclass grants the player a bonus when conducting business transactions or negotiations with other players and NPCs in the game Elder Tale. [b]Advertiser[/b] Self-explanatory. [b]Animal Trainer[/b] The Animal Trainer can tame and domesticate various animals including taking care of them. Certain animals can assist their owners in combat. Domesticated animals act as pets, and can follow the owner around until killed. Animals tamed this way cannot be killed unless they are in combat. [b]Apprentice[/b] An Apprentice is able to register another player to be his/her teacher. Though unpopular due to it lacking a "unique" skill set, an Apprentice is able to copy the low- and mid-level skills of his/her teachers' subclass and receives experience bonuses making it easy to level. Furthermore, when an Apprentice chooses to switch to another subclass, the skills that he/she learned pertaining to that subclass is carried over along with all the experience gained during the player's time as an Apprentice. [b]Aristocrat[/b] An aristocrat is basically a member of the nobility and is normally a People of the Land. As such, he or she is a landowner and is either involved in politics, business or the military. [b]Assistant[/b] Assistant is a subclass meant for immersion, and comes with no benefits. [b]Berserker[/b] The Berserk subclass is intended for combat, and comes with many combat-oriented abilities and bonuses. In combat, Berserker can attack enemies head-on in a nearly-uncontrollable battle rage, making this subclass good for a purely offensive strategy. [b]Border Patrol[/b] Border Patrol provides strong defense and offense in combat and takes heavy damage from foes, always holding ground as long as possible until victory or defeat. [b]Butler[/b] A Butler is another role-playing class, much like the Assistant. The Butler is tasked in serving a master in every need and always loyal to him/her. [b]Carpenter[/b] A Carpenter is much like a construction class, but much more limited. It allows for the creation of wooden flooring only. [b]Chindon’Ya[/b] A joke subclass, it provides little benefits to its bearers. In fact, the only skill it provides is the ability to bang on drums really loudly and make a lot of noise while walking. [b]Cleaner[/b] Unlike the Housekeeper subclass, the cleaner subclass is purely for role-play, and does not provide benefits. [b]Courier[/b] As its name suggests, the role of the courier is that of messenger and delivery man. He or she can also be crucial for communication when telepathy is not possible, especially among the People of the Land. [b]Courtesan[/b] Using its historical connotation rather than its modern suggestion, Elder Tale Courtesans often act as escorts to nobles and are able to influence them politically or even economically. [b]Dairy Farmer[/b] The Dairy Farmer's main duty is to raise cows and collect milk from them to be made and sold as dairy products, such as whole milk, cheese, yogurts, etc. [b]Dancer[/b] The Dancer, before the Apocalypse, allowed access to many different dances. After the Apocalypse, this subclass was turned redundant because of the change in controls. [b]Farmer[/b] The Farmer allows for the creation of farmland, and allows users to grow plants and get more product per harvest. [b]Fisherman[/b] As the title suggests, a Fisherman's main job is to catch fish for food. Basically he is like the Hunter, but uses a more passive means for catching his prey, such as using fishing rods, lures and nets. [b]Food Fighter[/b] The Food Fighter allows players to have a grand gourmet’s sense of taste, an iron stomach (which comes with an immunity to poison), and the ability to consume food faster. Food Fighters are also able to taste food created with the in-game menu as if it were real food. [b]Fortune Teller[/b] The Fortune Teller allows players to “bless” other players with slightly increased experience, drop rate, health regeneration, etc. [b]Harvester[/b] The Harvester allows players to harvest wild plants and a Farmer’s crops to get more ingredients than the average player. [b]Herbalist[/b] Herbalists have the ability to make Herbal Remedies from various ingredients. [b]Hitman[/b] A subclass for those who enjoy hunting. Other Adventurers are able to give you targets to kill. A Hitman is able to tell what city a target is in, but not the exact location. Outside of safe zones, Hitmen gain a considerably accurate pinpoint of a target’s location. Killing your target earns you rewards, but dying in any way before killing your target makes you lose said target, forcing you to find another hit. [b]Housekeeper[/b] The Housekeeper subclass enables a player to clean a dwelling with relative ease. They can level by brooming, drying, washing, wiping, or cooking. [b]Hunter[/b] Hunters hunt down monsters for their ingredients. They have skills to help them doing so, such as tracking scents. [b]Knight[/b] Someone with the Knight subclass can use any melee weapon and a shield in battle. [b]Maid[/b] A roleplaying subclass which can learn low level skills from the Chef, Tailor, Farmer, Brewer, Dairy Farmer, Housekeeper and Herbalist subclasses. [b]Merchant[/b] Merchants receive a price advantage during negotiations and bargaining. They trade and sell valuable items and artifacts for profit. [b]NEET[/b] A joke subclass. A NEET is unable to learn any skills, or gain any EXP. Their health regenerates astronomically while doing nothing, though. [b]Pathfinder[/b] Pathfinder lets a character earn more loot when monsters are killed and the ability to detect nearby enemies. Another role of the pathfinder is as a guide to a group, occasionally being able to locate alternate paths on a journey which are safer, or have better loot. [b]Physician[/b] A Physician can tend to the person's wounds and ailments with his/her medical abilities and expertise. [b]Poison User[/b] Most poison users use poison on their weapons through various means. Assassins, for example, can coat their kunai with poison so that if he/she is able to cut the target, they are instantly injected with the toxic substance. Poisons come with a variety of effects, ranging from body weakness, paralysis or death. [b]Scholar[/b] As its title infers, a scholar is basically a researcher and historian. His main duty is to collect data and perform studies on various topics. [b]Sigilmaker[/b] The Sigilmaker (Sigilmancer in certain servers) allows players to create magical glyphs infusing their own spells into a compressed form. This allows for a weaker, and single-use version of that spell. [b]Storekeeper[/b] The Storekeeper is in charge of the guild hall's storage room, checking on every available supply for the guild's daily needs. [b]Swordsmith[/b] The Swordsmith is a derivative of the blacksmith, specializing in creating swords. Because this subclass is difficult to level, there are few high-level Swordsmiths around. As a result, their skills are highly valued. [b]Tracker[/b] As the name implies, the Tracker subclass gives players additional skills that allows them to track other players or foes, erase their presence or move in the dark. Though these skills are useful, they are seldom used thus the subclass is in the middle in terms of popularity. Skills belonging to this subclass, combined with the Assassin class, allow the user to easily dispatch enemies without them knowing. Trackers are also useful for Hunter-types to find game or ingredients. [b]Undead Hunter[/b] The Undead Hunter's role is to hunt down and annihilate the Undead with his/her holy weapons. They gain a damage advantage on vampires. [b]Vampire[/b] Like in legend, Vampires are weakened in daylight but are given various buffs during nighttime. Although they can still travel in daylight, they tend to avoid it. [b]War Priest[/b] A player with the War Priest or Holy Warrior subclass can replace some Warrior-class skills with Healing-class skills. --- [b][u]Titles[/b][/u] Titles are a special type of subclass that can only be unlocked by players after completing a specific task or equipment. Some are considered legendary due to the limited amount of players who can acquire them and have already been acquired by famous players since the start of the game. They are known to grant abilities that will benefit players in and out of battle. [i]Congrats if you actually decided to read all the way down here. Note that you are allowed to create your own subclasses, but it is recommended that you talk to one of the GMs about it before you do.[/i] [/center]