[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/RwoIUfQ.png[/IMG][/center] --- [center]Prior to the apocalypse, Adventurers logged onto Elder Tale and played online via PC. However, ever since the Apocalypse, Adventurers now experience the world literally, and can interact with the environment as though they are physically there. One of the main difficulties that Adventurers have encountered was the use of in-game menus during combat -- specifically that accessing these menus is impractical while in the heat of battle, but it has been recently discovered that you are able to create voice shortcuts in order to use your abilities. Another difficulty encountered is the change of perspective. Adventurers now have to fight in first-person view versus the original rotatable camera on a PC monitor. Adventurers now have both visual limitations and blind spots, this is especially true when fighting in dark areas or against large monsters such as Raid Bosses. In addition, it is also possible to feel pain whenever a player's avatar takes damage. It is commonplace for player avatars to be cut, bruised or even bleed. Wounds like these do go away over time, with the use of healing classes or passive regeneration. It should also be noted that character's may use their skills anywhere in the game, and fighting outside of towns was a common occurrence before the Apocalypse. Fighting and killing Adventurers is still a feature, but attempting to fight within safe zones will cause the Royal Guard to intervene and kill the instigator. As with all MMORPGs, it is completely possible for Adventurer's to die when their HP falls to 0. Luckily, a dead Adventurer will resurrect at the cathedral of the last town they had entered. This can prove troublesome if you are travelling to a different town and die before reaching it, as you will find that you are back where you originally began your journey. Despite this ability of resurrection, dying is not without it's drawbacks. Though no player on the Western Europe is currently aware, dying results in gradual memory loss. However, this is a minor loss, and it would take many, many deaths for this drawback to take a noticeable toll. --- [u][b]The Stat System[/b][/u] Currently in place to balance the combat aspect of the RP is the stat system. Created by three bumheads (You know who you are) with way too much time on their hands, the stat system is what decides the strength of your character. All races start with base stats, and classes take away from, or add to these stats to decide the strength of each of your character's attributes. It should be noted that while the stat system is displaying numbers, the numbers are actually approximations e.g Having a 1 for HP does not mean you have 1 health point. It means your health pool is simply very low. In addition, this stat system does not apply to monsters, as it would be much easier to just treat them as any other enemy in an RP. [u][b]Stat List[/b][/u] [b]Level (Lvl)[/b] Technically considered a stat in the sense that it also controls combat. As you level up, your prowess increases. A level 10 Guardian with a very high HP stat would likely have less HP than a level 90 Sorcerer with a very low HP stat due to the level difference. This rule applies to every stat. [b]Hit Points (HP)[/b] Health. This is the stat which determines how much damage you can take before dying and resurrecting at the cathedral. Hit Points can be replenished through the use of health potions, or healing spells. Hit Points also passively regenerate, albeit slowly. [b]Mana (MP)[/b] Mana is the resource which every Adventurer must use in order to use spells or abilities. Mana passively regenerates, and can regenerate faster for magic-oriented classes such as the Sorcerer or Enchanter. Most abilities and skills cost mana, and when it runs out, you cannot cast any spells or abilities until it rises again. [b]Strength (STR)[/b] Strength is the stat which controls how much damage you deal when using weapons which are strength based, such as hammers, greatswords and axes. A higher strength stat increases the damage you deal with such weapons. Strength weapons tend to be slow in comparison to dexterity weapons, but will more often than not hit much harder. Strength weapons also tend to deal blunt damage, or slashing damage. [b]Dexterity (DEX)[/b] Dexterity controls how much damage you deal to enemies when using weapons which require finesse or skill. Weapons such as spears, rapiers and bows fall under this category. A higher dexterity stat allows you to do more damage when using these types of weapons. Dexterity weapons are considerably faster than strength weapons, but tend to do less damage as a result. Dexterity weapons also tend to do piercing/thrusting damage, and some may also do slashing damage, as many swords can fall under either the strength or dexterity category. [b]Physical Defence (Physical DEF)[/b] Physical Defence can help make a Adventurer resistant to damage from non-magical weapons. [b]Magic Defence (Magic DEF)[/b] Magical Defence is similar to Physical Defence, but instead of making a character more resistant to physical damage, it makes Adventurers resistant to anything that isn't physical damage. Be it fire damage or dark damage, Magic Defence provides resistance to it all. [b]Intelligence (INT)[/b] Intelligence, the stat which determines a Adventurer's magical power. A higher intelligence stat equates to stronger magical damaging abilities. This stat is more oriented to the Magic Classes of Elder Tale. [b]Willpower (WIL)[/b] Willpower is the stat which decides a Adventurer's healing capabilities. High willpower stats equals a stronger heal. Healer Classes will use this stat the most. [b]Agility (AGI)[/b] Agility is everything that has to do with movement and evasion. A higher agility stat gives Adventurer's a better chance at counterattacks or evasion, and can help to increase their movement speed. --- [b][u]Racial Stats[/b][/u] Note that these numbers equate to [b]APPROXIMATIONS[/b], as I've stated before: * = Only achievable with certain class/race combinations 8 - Extremely High* 7 - Very High 6 - High 5 - Above Average 4 - Average 3 - Below Average 2 - Low 1 - Very Low 0 - Extremely Low* --- [b]Humans[/b] HP: 4 MP: 4 STR: 4 DEX: 4 Physical DEF: 4 Magic DEF: 4 INT: 4 WIL: 4 AGI: 3 --- [b]Elves[/b] HP: 4 MP: 5 STR: 3 DEX: 4 Physical DEF: 3 Magic DEF: 4 INT: 4 WIL: 5 AGI: 3 --- [b]Wolf Fangs[/b] HP: 4 MP: 3 STR: 5 DEX: 3 Physical DEF: 5 Magic DEF: 3 INT: 3 WIL: 3 AGI: 3 --- [b]Dwarves[/b] HP: 5 MP: 3 STR: 5 DEX: 2 Physical DEF: 5 Magic DEF: 6 INT: 2 WIL: 4 AGI: 3 --- [b]Half Alvs[/b] HP: 4 MP: 5 STR: 3 DEX: 3 Physical DEF: 3 Magic DEF: 4 INT: 5 WIL: 5 AGI: 3 --- [b]Werecats[/b] HP: 4 MP: 4 STR: 3 DEX: 5 Physical DEF: 3 Magic DEF: 3 INT: 4 WIL: 4 AGI: 4 --- [b]Fox Tails[/b] HP: 3 MP: 5 STR: 3 DEX: 3 Physical DEF: 2 Magic DEF: 4 INT: 5 WIL: 5 AGI: 3 --- [b]Race of Ritual[/b] HP: 1 MP: 5 STR: 3 DEX: 3 Physical DEF: 2 Magic DEF: 2 INT: 6 WIL: 6 AGI: 3 --- [b][u]Class Stat Modifiers[/b][/u] In addition to the race base stats, stats are also altered by your chosen class. [u][b]Warrior Modifiers[/b][/u] [b]Guardian[/b] +1 HP +2 Physical DEF +1 Magic DEF -1 INT -1 WIL [b]Paladin[/b] +1 HP +1 MP +1 Physical DEF +1 WIL -1 INT [b]Monk[/b] +2 HP +1 STR +1 AGI -2 MP -1 Physical DEF -1 Magic DEF [u][b]Weapon-Based Modifiers[/b][/u] [b]Assassin[/b] +2 DEX +1 STR +2 AGI -1 Physical DEF -1 Magic DEF -1 INT -1 WIL [b]Swashbuckler[/b] +1 HP +1 MP +1 DEX +2 AGI -1 INT -1 WIL [b]Bard[/b] +1 MP +1 INT +1 AGI -1 WIL -1 Physical DEF -1 Magic DEF [u][b]Healer Modifiers[/b][/u] [b]Templar[/b] +1 MP +1 STR +1 WIL -1 INT -1 AGI [b]Druid[/b] +1 MP +2 WIL -1 HP -1 Physical DEF -1 Magic DEF [b]Exorcist[/b] +2 MP +1 Magic DEF +1 WIL -1 Physical DEF - 1 STR -1 DEX -1 AGI [u][b]Mage Modifiers[/b][/u] [b]Sorcerer[/b] +2 INT +2 MP +1 Magic DEF -1 HP -2 STR -1 DEX -1 Physical DEF [b]Summoner[/b] +2 INT +2 MP +1 Magic DEF -1 HP -2 STR -2 DEX [b]Enchanter[/b] + 2 INT + 3 MP -1 HP -2 STR -2 DEX -1 Physical DEF [/center]