Vavin walked though the door of the Pearl, with letter in hand, and he was armed to the teeth for battle, he carried a bow and a quiver of arrow and some traps on his waist and even some mines in his backpack. For all his weapons he was lightly armored, with thin leather armor under a heavy animal pelted coat and some leather boots that made it easy to jump around and sneak around. He looked over the letter again, it was encrypted which only took him a few minutes to figure out, the pretty red headed human wrote it, her name was Leliana or something. Pretty good spy master. But he had to focus on the matter on hand which was to find a group and find another group which are Templars who aren't insane or something. He didn't really care enough to know for sure. He noticed that two elves were talking to each other, they look Dalish so the letter's description seem to be right, he must be early if the rest of the group hasn't arrived yet. He sighed, he wasn't really the voice for his sister's operations, he was more of the muscle but with brains to back her up. "Were you two sent by Leliana?" He asked bluntly. "If not then forget I asked."