Isaac chuckled as the message went out for another student assembly, for awhile now he had been biding time and wondering what to do with the coming days ahead. This Class President certainly liked to talk, for a woman who can't hold her damned gaze for more than half a hearbeat, how he knew this little secret? Well one just has to keep a decent eye on the small things as students try and greet her, a cold averting reply with a shift of the glasses. One gives away volumes with a small facial muscle twitch, though thankfully, and hopefully, Isaac has stayed under the radar well enough to ensure that when he makes his play, she won't know how to react. The only way to beat the Black King at all would be to catch her off guard and end her quickly. Not giving her one breath of a chance to resist. No matter her skill, no one can survive a good ambush. Though once again, she was a calculated genius and he had no doubt getting to her would be a pain in the balls, though that was the fun part. Right? That was what he hoped as he snapped back to reality, he had been sitting in his room, alone again. Then again, who wouldn't be in his situation? He hardly spoke to anyone anyway, so he kind of put himself here. Though he hid it so well, he had horrendous social anxiety, hidden under a careless wise ass that has a mean streak when it comes to the bullies of society. Though when he meets new people, inside he practically dies. Fears rise of what to say and what to do, but years of living with it, taught him how to cope. Which lead to who he has grown into as a teenager, he had to thank his Aunt for that, she helped him cope. She helped him grow as a person, and made him realize one thing: He needed to avenge his parents. Though she had no direct influence in that. She wanted someone to pay, and he did too, you could see it if you looked him in the eyes, the hate burning for the death of the murderer. Anyone who would get to know him, would hopefully empathize to this malice and help him seek vengeance. Seek the one and only thing that shall ever matter to him until he gets it: Retribution, it his life, his purpose. His reason for living, and once he has it, he will let go and fade into the end, or whatever follows the end of his desires. After Retribution, he will just be another generic meat pile.