[quote=GamingOwl] Alex pulled out his schedule to look at when Kat asked him what classes he got for this year.He saw that some of the classes he didn't like and thought that he's going to have to study and pay attention in class or he's going to fail. He showed his schedule to Kat and said, "Looks like I got some good and bad classes like math, I always fall asleep for some reason so I don't know how I'm going to pass." Then a waiter popped up in front of them, which made him jump a little when he did that, and set down what Kat ordered and popped away. Then he wondered what classes Kat had since she asked him so he asked while taking a bite out of his burger, "So what classes did you get Kat, anything you looking forward to?" [/quote] Kat smile seeing the classes he. Has and has the same except for physics. She smile and showed him his scheduwl and take a bit of her burger. "I can help you in math I'm pretty good at it" she smile at him with ketchup on her lip. The headmaster stood and said loudly for all to hear. "Welcome to waverly academy! My we have a large group this year! I'm so excited for this year it will be splendid wonderful fantastic and this year we will all get to go camping yay!" He was excited and spoke loud with a booming voice. Kat jump when she heard him speak and froze hearing the word camping. Camping mean trees and that isn't good for her with her gift. Liliana giggle listening and smile look at Keith "I never been camping is it fun?"